
Spyro The Dragon [PSX – Beta]


In the screen below we can see a beta version of Spyro The Dragon: the statue has another appearance in the final game and is not made of gold. The red gem inside the “return home portal” is not in there anymore. In the final game when the player touches a dragon statue, the dragon that is captured inside there will come out: the first dragon that Spyro rescues was called Silvus in the beta.

Also, Dirty Harry found some more differences in this beta demo:

  • Alternate music before rescuing Nestor.
  • Vortex looked more like the Dragon Pads.
  • Alternate dialogue from rescued dragons. Completely different voice from Nestor.
  • 1-ups are gold instead of silver.

Spyro was originally going to be a “traditional” green dragon but the developers chosed purple instead because it was more original. In the artworks, we can even see some different character designs for Spyro.

Thanks a lot to Lord Deathsaur, Dudaw and Dirty Harry for the contributions!


June 1998 Beta:

June 1998 Beta:

July 1998 Beta:

Change Log:

Gh0stBlade – Added June 1998 vids recorded by LXShadow/July 1998 beta video! 08/12/14 

Anachronox [PC Beta / PS1 Cancelled]


Anachronox… a cold dark planet in the center of the Sender Sphere, crime… mafia… and a hilarious turn of style. Anachronox was an Rpg featured in the year 2001 by Edios Interactive and Ion storm, you took the place of Sylvester Bucelli (Sly Boots), A run down dectective living in a storage space above a bar. After being thrown out of a windobw by the local mafia taxman, he sets off in a quest to get his life back. He soon gets a small dectective work guiding a man down into a vast dangerous sewer like cave known as the Mystech Tunnels from there on he  

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night [Beta – PSX Saturn]


The images below are from an old E3 Beta demo of Castlevania: SotN that was sold on ebay some time ago. The description said: “This auction is for the Castlevania E3 edition. Only one known to exist in collector’s hands this could be the highlight of many game collections. This disc was an early development version of the title which was released in the us as Castlevania SOTN. Early development titles such as this were run on test consoles by developers and game testors. If you lack the hardware required to play developmental software game do not bid.

The game gives 2 options. Normal and Special. Normal mode starts out at the end of the Bloodlines story but the text is in English while the voices are still in Japanese. I am unsure if this remains throughout the entire game or just for the first cutscene. Special mode starts you off further along with items and relics already as part of your inventory. In either mode dying brings up a different game over screen which instead says “To be continured September 1997″. I have not determined what other differences may exist and leave that all up to the buyer.”

Some more differences were noticed by Torentsu:

  • Alucard levels much more quickly
  • spells are still usable in special mode but they start out not being in the menu
  • Lead in to the music track in Catacombs is VERY different

This beta demo was leaked online sometime ago and you can download it if you search it on Google. If you play it and find some  more interesting differences, let us know!




Ganymede [Playstation, Sega Saturn – Cancelled]

Original announcement for Playstation and Sega Saturn: “Players race across the rugged 3D moonscape in Ganymede, matching battle skills and strategy against the warlike Eridani aliens. Piloting a heavily armed, frictionless vaporsled, the player smashes through enemy battle craft and attacks mission targets with stealth and speed. Superbly realistic driving physics accompanied by aggressive thrusting power, minimal traction and rugged terrain make exploring Ganymede, the ice-moon under the ominous watch of Jupiter, an adventure in itself. The ability to freely navigate the surface of the entire moon on more than 20 missions creates unlimited gameplay.” The game was never released, the reason of the cancellation is unknown.

Thanks to Ross Sillifant for the contribution!
