From many years we are collecting info, screens and video in the Unseen 64 archive, to try to preserve the changes and the cuts in our loved videogames. A lot of contributors help us everyday, sending more info, more screens and more videos to add to the U64 archive. We are happy, really happy, but we dont have enough time for all this stuff! Should we just close the site? Should we wait for months before a new update?
So, here’s an idea. From today, if you want to edit a page or to add a new game in the Unseen 64 archive.. you’ll be able to do it by yourself! In this way it should be faster for everyone, and your contributions will be added to the site in a few days, instead than to wait for 3 or 4 months before monokoma can have enough free time to organize them.
This new feature should work a bit like Wikipedia.
1) If you want to create a page for a new beta / cancelled game that is still missing from the U64 Archive, go to and write your new article in there, with HTML codes for the images and youtube videos.
2) If you want to edit an existing page, under every post you will find a blue “Edit” link:

From there, you should be able to add more text, new images (not directly in the Images Gallery for now) or Youtube videos, writing / pasting them in the HTML field.
Keep in mind that every new page and edit will be reviewed by the U64 Staff before being published! So don’t worry, you will not find Zelda-Yaoi-Porn in the beta-galleries (maybe).
This new Wiki-Alike feature is still in early testing, so let us know what you think about it! There are some bugs, but we’ll work to fix them with your help :)
Thanks for all your support!