Unseen News

Elite Beat Agents Beta video

Below is a video of the Beta version of the nintendo DS game, Elite Beat Agents (EBA). The beta shows many small differences that weren’t present in the final version of the game. These many things include flames on the bottom of the touch screen for a certain amount of consecutive beats, pink circles for completing song sections, different girls in the car and different transitions used. Some audio differences are also in place. Those include different voices (such as the announcer at the start that says “Mission” and a few sound effects.


You can see more beta Ouendan / EBA stuff in our archive: Ouendan / Elite Beat Agents [DS – Concept/Beta] 

[Update] Mario Galaxy Beta intro

Super Mario Galaxy has made its debut into the gaming world, won various awards and all the excitement has died down, I still get a huge smile on my face when ever I play it. In fact, posters and other assorted items are all around my room. I first began watching videos and other media in August of 07, I had just gotten my Wii, but I haven’t heard about the game until the end of August. From the videos I began to watch, I saw the STARWORLD Galaxy, Gale Galaxy and various other videos. I never put the perspective of Beta into my head until December of 07, when I finally beat the game completly. I noticed that some of the levels I saw on youtube never were in the game, I got hard to work and learned about the beta’s. Below I have compiled all my information. This is my first report so don’t expect something awesome. Read the rest of this entry »


[Updates] Yoshi’s Island intro & some new screens

MajorTom could be one of our favourite beta geeks: he has sent to us a new description for the Yoshi’s Island beta page, and we have added it to the archive! You can read it in here. Thanks again Tom! :) In the meantime we have added a couple of new screens in these galleries: New Super Mario Bros, Mario Galaxy, Socks the Cat Rocks the HillPaper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Comanche and Mission Impossibile 64

Spiderman 3 Debug – Part 1

Hi again everyone looking for the unseen. I recently got a chance to play around with a debug version of Spiderman for the Xbox 360. Over on my site, Past to Present Online, I am doing a multipart feature on the game and its functions. The first debug function I am featuring is a Big Screenshot function. It essentially takes 9 seperate 720p screenshots, and after some Photoshop magic, you get one huge 3840×2160 sized shot. Enjoy the feature, and keep on reading! Link: PtoPOnline.com
