I’m not sure from where this came from, but Croson has uploaded an interesting video on his YouTube page, that looks like a sort of hardware / video test for the Super Nintendo.
I’m not sure from where this came from, but Croson has uploaded an interesting video on his YouTube page, that looks like a sort of hardware / video test for the Super Nintendo.
A misterious contributor (that wants to remain anonymous), sent to us a couple of images that should have been taken from the beta achievements screen of 1942: Joint Strike, a downloadable game current in development for X360 and PS3 .
We are not sure if someone could ever be excited by seeing these, we dont even see the game and maybe they are fake, but it’s super cool to have secret contributors, so we are posting them and brag about it. The game looks fun anyway, wikipedia say that it “is a remake of Capcom’s classic 1942. Like the prior game, Joint Strike is a classic vertical scrolling shooter and will allow 2 player co-operative multiplayer.” so maybe shmup fans will be happy yo see these.
A couple of new beta-geeks have joined the Unseen 64 staff: we would like to welcome Rowedahelicon & NeX.exe in our U64 family! Don’t worry anyway, there is still free space in our crew and we are still hiring for more sexy people.
Gerror has sent to us a couple of photos from an old magazine, with an article and an Ad with images of the beta version of Time Shift, sadly his scanner broke, so he had to take these shots with his phone, but we are sure that you can see some unseen in there!
Sba sb3002 has wrote some new intros (Legend Of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, Sonic Adventure 2, Dee Dee Planet, A Boy And His Blob [DS], Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap) and has translated a couple of old itros that were in italian (Legend of Zelda: a link to the past, Legend Of Zelda [Space World 2000 Tech Demo]) . Be happy!