Unseen News

Croc 3: Stone of the Gobbos [Cancelled (Rumor) – PSX / PS2 / XBOX / GameCube]

Update: OldClassicGamer sent us some info to prove that these info about Croc 3 are fake, so we’ll just leave this page as a “rumor” to let people to still find the original story and the updated info. Here is what OldClassicGamer wrote:

 I don’t know who sent you that info but whoever did it was not from Argonoaut and was probably someone with too much free time since he came with all those details.

Where is my proof? Well, first of all, here is website: www.storybox.club
This is new game from creators of Croc and they are asking for donations. They promised they will include Croc characters in-game if they get enough donated money. Here are more details you can read first post and find out everything.

Story Box developers do not own the IP, but they are currently contacting Jez to see if they can get permission to use Croc characters in their game called Story Box. Jez San is founder of Argonaut. Here, you can read all the info about Jez: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3965937.stm

And two final evidences I have are conversations with Story Box developers and Zenimax. I will attach screenshots in email as a proof. So if Zenimax confirmed themselves that they never owned Croc, then the whole story and Croc 3 playable build that cannot be leaked because Zenimax is not allowing it is fake. I would like to ask you nicely to take down that article because it is spreading lies and it can damage potentially new Croc games that will come after Story Box is successful.

Also, if game was started being developed in 2001, then how come no info was known even in 2004 befor Argonaut bankrupt. The truth is, Croc 3 was going to happen but they only started talking about it in 2004, before they went bankrupt. Prototype for game was never created since game was never in developement.

What do you think about this? Leave your comment below!

Original post:

The original Croc is a platform game published by Fox Interactive and developed by Argonaut Software (AKA Argonaut Games) in 1997 for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn. A sequel, Croc 2, was released in 1999 but the third chapter of the series was never released, even if development was started. The game was called Croc 3: Stone of the Gobbos (also known as Croc 3: Barons Revenge and Croc 3: Croc Returns! during development). It was to launch on Playstation 2, Gamecube and Xbox in 2005. The game would of been a direct sequel to the events of Croc 2, and would feature 2 player on all 3 platforms. In this game, Croc was to yet again, be faced with stopping Baron Dante and saving the Gobbos. However this time Dante has a spell that is not able to be stopped unless Croc finds the Sacred “Stone of the Gobbos”.

Sadly after Argonaut Software closed in 2004, the IP for Croc was sold to Zenimax Media Inc, and Zenimax Media had Mud Duck Productions continue development of Croc 3: Stone Of The Gobbos. However, the game was cancelled after trouble with the developer and thus, ended the Croc Franchise.

The world shown in the render below is the Croc 3 castle hub. In Croc 3, rather than the former games, Argonaut Software were using Full Explorable Hub Worlds sorta like Spyro The Dragon. This way it was more easy for younger kids to play the game. Some of the Croc 3 inspiration was coming from Spyro Year Of The Dragon (One of the biggest being hub worlds with portals).

croc 3 cancelled

Croc 3 started development in the summer of 2001. Argonaut Software had split into three teams to work on their big games, Malice (Which started development in the 90`s but later bumped dev up to PS2), other small projects (like Carve), and Croc 3. Croc 3 was having trouble finding a publisher. They had contacted Fox, and they wanted no part of Croc 3 due to the sales of Croc 2. Argonaut then contacted EA and they said they would publish it, but their fees were too high. The Publisher they stuck with was Activision, who said they would publish it and help Argonaut work around their budget. With a team of only 10 people working on the project, Croc 3 went through many changes.

First it was in development for Dreamcast, Playstation, Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube and PC, however with the failing sales of Dreamcast (And due to Croc 2 never appearing on sega), Argonaut stopped working on the Dreamcast version and focused more on the PS,PS2,XB and GC versions. They later cancelled the PC version as well.

The next problem Argonaut ran into was the voice actor for croc had no wish to return to the role. So they would need to recast. The engine they were developing on was an unstable version of their in house engine, BRender, which also powered Malice and a couple of other Argonaut games. This version was a new updated one exclusive to Croc 3 to allow for certain things to try to push the 4 consoles to their limits.

What started to take more time was the Playstation 1 version. This was due to the fact that Argonaut were using croc 1/2 version of BRender because BRender for Croc 3 was not compatible on Playstation 1 due to the “Next Gen” graphics. The new console versions would feature top of the line graphics developed in house to push them to their limits, while the PS1 version was simply the same graphics as croc 2. The reason Argonaut were insisting to release Croc 3 on PS1 was to keep the trilogy in line with each other on Playstation. The series was always planned as a trilogy and the third was supposed to be the final one.

Croc 3 on PS2, GC and Xbox would of been 2 player. Player 1 was Croc, and player 2 was a new crocodile named Ginger, who was a love interest to croc. (Kinda like a Amy/Sonic relationship). To appease players who hated multiplayer, Ginger would only appear in the story IF you were in 2 player. If not, she would disappear. As for the soundtrack, Justin Scharvona from croc 1, who composed the C1 soundtrack would make a return to compose it in this game.
Thanks to former Argonaut Employees from the Croc 3 Team for the contribution! 

Storm Riders [Xbox – Cancelled]

Storm Riders is a cancelled action game that was in development for the original Xbox, that could have been based on a korean film / comic with the same name. There are not many info on its development, but an early beta version / prototype of the game was somehow found on an old Xbox Debug Kit by Museman and it was shared online thanks to the Assembler Games Forum. The menu, HUD and some of the character’s moves are really similar to Ninja Gaiden, but there aren’t any connection with Tecmo’s game.

As wrote by Andrew Borman in the Assembler Forum:

Storm Riders was built really, really late in the Xbox’s life, July 22 2005, NG started life in like 1999 before being announced at e3 2002 and released in March 2004. I havent found any evidence other than one comment that seemed to think it came from a Tecmo Xbox. Ive dug through the XBE some more and didnt find anything. It was compiled from a folder called Phoenix, which I thought might be related to Iron Phoenix, but beyond that I havent seen the evidence to link it, so I moed on.

Borrowing assets isn’t all that unusual in the dev world, so the NG assets are meaningless. But if you look up Storm Riders Online, which was to be an MMO, it was made by a studio called Phoenix Games Studio, which with the compile info points to it being from them, which is a studio in Malaysia. This also links back to the fact that the Xbox it was found on was 220v, which wouldnt be the case for a Japanese box, but does match for Malaysia. So that is much more likely

Thanks a lot to MegaMoto85 for the video!




[U64 Italian Podcast] Episodio 2.1: Super Mario Beta Saga (Parte 2)


The Unseen 64 Podcast is only in Italian, sorry!

U64 Podcast: Episodio 2.1 – Super Mario Beta Saga (Parte 2) [105:03] (streaming) ebbene si, siamo riusciti a registrare una nuova podcast! In realtà questa la abbiamo registrata la scorsa estate, ma tra una cosa e l’altra abbiamo avuto tempo per sistemarla e uploadarla solo oggi. Assieme a mono, Reno, Bakka, Yota e Mr.Game ci siamo incontrati di sfuggita per parlare di Mario Galaxy e delle sue caratteristiche rimosse, con una introduzione sulle leggi di censura online (che probabilmente saranno ormai superate), strani fenomeni paranormali e suoni che uccidono nascosti in pokèmon, il mistero dietro l’urlo di munch, e forse si, abbiamo anche fatto una lunga e approfondita discussione su tutti i modelli inutilizzati nascosti nel codice del gioco! Solo i veri fan o chi non ha di meglio da fare, riusciranno ad ascoltare questo episodio fino alla fine.. buon ascolto! >> U64 Episodio 2.1 – Super Mario Beta Saga (Parte 2) [105:03]– Download Versione in MP3

feed-icon16×16.png www.unseen64.podomatic.com/rss2.xm feed-icon16×16.png 

Melon Brains [Beta – LaserActive]

Thanks to the LaserActive Preservation Project, we can take a look at a beta version of Melon Brains, a dolphin edutainment title for the platform. You can find the beta footage at the 5:30 mark in the video below. The main menu is in a very unfinished state, as is the interface while the video is playing – white boxes and stand-in text are in place of the later finalized icons and banners.

Thanks to Max Krieger for the contribution!



KotOR 1 & 2 beta restoration mods

The original Knights of the Old Republic had a lot of beta / unused stuff and KotOR 2: The Sith Lords, so many fans decided to work together to create a couple of mods for the PC version of the game to be able to play some of those beta elements that were changed or removed before the final version!

The KotOR 1 Restoration is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare Corp. Of course, these restorations will be within reason and things that were cut because they did not fit with the plot, and cannot be made to fit with the plot, will most definitely NOT be restored. Remember, this is only the demo, not the full mod.

Most of the content that has been released in this demo is from Taris. However, there are few pieces of restored content that pertain to Dantooine as well as a difficulty option restoration.

– Impossible Difficulty, a cut option for difficulty that is harder than the Vanilla “Hard” difficulty
– Carth dialogue when the PC first awakens on Taris, Carth makes a few comments about the PC’s injuries. (Thanks to zbyl2 for this!)
– Lower City, numerous restorations to the Lower City
– Under City, numerous restorations to the Under City
– Restoration of the Black Vulkar Base Sublevel
– Restored Droid Items
– Restoration of some dialgoue with Niklos in the Uppper City Cantina
– Restoration of the Duel Ring announcer in the Taris Upper City Cantina. The announcer will be available to speak to in between fights.
– Zaerdra Swoop Platform Dialogue, Zaerdra will make some final comments to the PC on the prototype accelerator before intitiating your first run with it
– Sith Base, numerous restorations
– Sarna and Yun Genda are available to talk to members of the same sex and can be used to further the plot of Taris. Albeit, in different ways than they normally do.
– Iriaz Restoration, returns the Iriaz to the plains of Dantooine. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)
– Garrum and Tar’eelok Restoration, returns a cut padawan and master to the Jedi Enclave. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)
– Restoration of cut items within the Jedi Enclave
– Shen and Rahashia Indecent Proposal, the PC can make a rather indecent, and awkward, proposal to either Shen or Rahasia depending upon the PC’s gender.
– The file called plc_glowpudl.utp had the name of “Glowing Puddle” however when placed in game it looked like a blood puddle. The model file and textures have been changed so now the glowing puddle placeable makes a glowing puddle of green liquid. It can be seen in the new module, tar_m03ac, or the swoop platform non-racing version.
– Modified Iriaz from Seamhiann’s modules so there were less of them, they fought against the Kath Hounds, and usually stayed in their small areas.

The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). This mod’s intention is to restore much of the cut content to The Sith Lords, that was lost to the main game due to a rush to release the game. This rush also left the game with a plethora of bugs (some of which also blocked out content, so not everything restored was really “cut”, for example the quest ‘Corrun Falt’), this mod should seriously decrease the buginess that plagued TSL.