Unseen News

Sonic Heroes [GC PS2 XBOX – Beta / Unfinished stuff]

Sonic Heroes is a platform game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, developed by Sonic Team USA and released in 2003 for the GameCube, Playstation 2 and Xbox.  Kieranmay linked us to many beta videos from the game, as you can see below! Many cutscenes were still unfinished and the songs were changed for the final version.

Also, as we can read at Sonic Retro, various Sonic Heroes betas were leaked online:

  • Sonic Heroes (GameCube prototype 10.8)
  • Sonic Heroes (GameCube prototype 11.18)
  • Sonic Heroes (MKDD Bonus Disc Demo)
  • Sonic Heroes (Xbox E3 version)

Thanks to Jason for the english corrections!


prototype of the early song “what I’m made of”

final version of what I’m made of


New Unseen Interview: Gregg Tavares

As we can read on MobyGames,  Gregg Tavares has worked on many of our favourite games, as Wild 9 and Crash Team Racing for the PSX, Gex for 3DO, LocoRoco for the PSP, Zombie Revenge for the Arcade, Afro Samurai for the PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360, along with some more obscure (and unseen) ones, as Disruptor for the M2, Terminator vs Robocop for the NES and Project Y for the PS2. We had the chance to have a short interview with him, to talk about his time in the gaming world and asking for some unseen tales on the projects that he worked on. >> Read the full interview! 

Help! Perfect Dark Zero Limited Collector’s Edition?

UPDATE: thanks to an anonymous contributor, we were able to get these PDZ bonus videos! You can see them below:

Do you know anyone who has got the Perfect Dark Zero bonus DVD from the Collector’s Edition? It seems to feature a “Making of ” with some interesting development footage (Mundorare once had beta images and screenshots from it, but they disappeared after their relaunch).  As we can read on Wikipedia:

Perfect Dark Zero was released in two forms: the standard version and a “Limited Collector’s Edition”. The collector’s edition features a second disc of content, a black metal game case, images of the staff and most of the in-house testers which gave a glimpse behind the scenes at Rare, a comic booklet set in the Perfect Dark universe, which sets the scene for the game, and one of nine holographic collectible cards.

If someone could be able to find this “Making Of” Video and sharing it online, it would be nice!


[Project] Monster Party Beta Restoration

Cubivore10 is working on a new Beta Restoration Project. This project is dedicated to restoring lost content and graphics to the cult-favorite NES game Monster Party. The first priority of this project is to remake graphics as they appear in beta shots of the game.

As of now, the only thing near completion is the first boss’ graphics, and the cursor at the start of the game. There are few beta-shots that show off what it originally looked like, however, some assumptions can be made about how things may have been changed or localized.

In addition to restoring beta graphics, on of the main goals of this project is to make the game more horror like, which is how fans assume it would have been which means more horror parodies, and more blood. That’s where you, the reader comes in!

If you have any interest and/or knowledge of editing games, then please, the Monster Party Beta Restoration Project needs you! “We” need somebody who can use graphic editors (currently using yy-chr) to edit graphics and pallets.

If you are interested in this project and want to resurrect a somewhat true-to-the-original Monster Party, please send any help and questions to [email protected]

Check the U64 article on Monster Party Beta to get a better understanding of what needs to be done. Also, please see below for screenshots and videos of what is currently done. Thank you! For more videos, check Cubivore10’s Youtube Channel.