Unseen News

Fado, the lost Kokiri, is back in the Zelda 64 Beta Restoration!

Do you remember “Fado”, the beta Kokiri girl that was seen in a couple of early screenshots from Ocarina of Time? That girl was changed in the final game with a different 3D model, but now thanks to ZethN64, formally known as ZethAlkar, we can see her again in the beta kokiri restoration hack! This is a standalone hack not associated with any projects.

Here’s “Fado” in a beta screen:

And here’s Fado in the Beta Restoration!


Some other beta kokiri are restored too, you can check them all in the video below:


Exerion 2 (II) [NES – Unreleased in USA]

The original Exerion was a vertical shoot ’em up released by Jaleco in 1983 and licensed to Taito for distribution on the United States. The game featured parallax effects and inertia simulation, something notable for 1983. [Info from Wikipedia] Sometime later, Jaleco worked on a “sequel” of the game, but as we can read on the Lost Levels forum, it was just the first Exerion with “updated graphics and music”. Anyway, in the end Exerion 2 was never released in America but a prototype was found and leaked online by the Nintendo Age community in June 2009. For all the NES collectors out there, a reproduction cart with Exerion 1+2 can also be bought and played on a real NES thanks to RetroZone!


Exerion 1+2 exerionenemies2



Murder City [PC – Cancelled?]

Patison has found an article about a mysterious PC game called “Murder City” in an old Polish gaming magazine.  There’s not much info on the game, only two screens (probably renders) which show some futuristic buildings and a little description, which says: “Somewhere in future, in gigantic, dark, Megalopolis” and other PR text. But there is another interesting part, saying: “You can flight anywhere, in this huge, vector, cities of future” so it could have been a Descent-like game. The Polish publisher was going to be Techland, but as far as we know, this game was never released.

Update: the game was released under a different name – Crime Cities. It was pretty much Descent meets G-Police.

Thanks to Patison and Hyde_PL for the contributions!




[Update] More screens, info and videos in the archive!


In the last couple of months we have added some screens, videos or info in these Unseen Archives: Action Adventure Project (Retro Studios), Axel Rage (PS2), Deadlands (Xbox – PS2), Dragonkind (Xbox – PS2), Superman 64, Caesar Palace 64, Castlevania Resurrection, D2 (M2), Geist Force (DC), Too Human (PSX), Dread Naughts (XBOX), Elric (PSX), Knights of Decayden (XBOX), Kameo (XBOX), Earthworm Jim 3DMonkey Island, Virtua Fighter (Arcade / Saturn), Secret Of Mana (SNES), Kid Ninja (Xbox/PS2/GC)Resident Evil 4, Full Throttle: Heel on Wheels, Shin Shinobi Den (Saturn), Cyber Speedway (Saturn), Panzer Dragoon (Saturn), Bayonetta (x360/PS3), Poket Monsters 2, Dexter’s Laboratory: Robot Rumble (GC/PS2/XBOX), Powerslide FX (SNES), Duke Nukem Forever, Cannon Fodder 3D (PS2), Bioshock, Austin Power’s Mojo Rally (Dreamcast), Sonic Unleashed, Agartha (Dreamcast), The Reigh of Cats and Dogs (N64), Emergency Mayhem (XBOX/PS2), Gemini (XBOX), The Last Job (XBOX/PS2), Project Katana Red Steel (Wii), Fable 2 (X360), Shining Lore (XBOX), The Executive (PS2), Final Fantasy 10, God of War (PS2), Earthworm Jim (SNES/MD), Metroid Prime, Clay Fighter 63 1/3 (N64), Carnivale (N64)Carnivale (GBC). Thanks a lot to all the contributors! 

New Unseen Interview: Phugolz from X-Cult


In this new chapter of our “Unseen Interviews”, a series of articles arranged to know better some of the other websites and lovely geeks that work to preserve unseen games, we have meet Phugolz, one of the minds that are behind X-Cult, a community based project to research, archive, and distribute hard to come by gaming information. In this interview we talked about how their site was born, the preservation of cancelled games, copyright issues, information sharing, proto collectors, gaming developers… and some questions to find out Phugolz’s taste in games and food. Do you want to know more about the X-Cult philosophy? >> Read the full interview