Unseen News

[Petition] Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D Editor

LukA_YJK has posted a message in our forum to find more people interested in the release of the Rogue Squadron 3D Level Editor, to try to collect enough signatures to impress LucasArts and Factor 5 for a chance that they could share the Level Editor with the fans. We dont know it this could be useful, but we’d like to help: you can check and sign the petition in here. Good luck!

Dear LucasArts and Factor 5,

We are a group of enthusiastic fans of your great PC platform computer game, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D. For more than ten years this game, which became a Star Wars arcade game classics, was a source of inspiration for many and many Star Wars fans. But unlike some other Star Wars games there is not any tool available which would let fan community to expand the game by developing additional levels and modifications.


As it is known Factor5 used its in-house level editor L3D to design game levels for Rogue Squadron and Rogue Leader. In fact this tool is not used anymore for any other games because it is out-of-date by now.

Therefore we ask you to release freely the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D level editor. It would allow us to use our creativity to revive the game and expand it with fantastic add-ons. The editor would also serve as a new item in the arsenal of all those enthusiastic fans of Star Wars games.

We are very much looking forward for your kind and helpful decision

The Undersigned


Kartoon Kombat: text from the lost game


As we read in his Unseen Interview, Mr. Mark has recently acquired a copy (the last and only one?) of Kartoon Kombat, a cancelled fighting game that was in development for the Genesis. Sadly the ROM was damaged in such a way that it will most likely never be playable, but a friend of Mark (known as ZZap! on most forums) was able to extract some interesting text. This is what he was able to uncover: 

Pokémon Ruby: more unused content in the game?


IMPORTANT NOTICE: The offsets that are in this article work only with Pokémon Ruby v 1.0 (USA). If you want to know which version is your game, you can use the Rom Header Editor Advance (RHEA). You can find RHEA at any Pokémon hacking website. The text can be seen with Advance-Text (A-Text) but you have to convert the offsets from HEX to DEC (for doing this you can use Windows Calculator). For the unused rooms, you can use Advance Map (A-Map).

I have found some unused dialogs and rooms in Pokémon Ruby. None of them are used in the final version of the game but they are still  hidden in the game code!

It seems like the game’s early project name was POKéMON AGB (AGB is the official product code for the GBA).

Unused Text n° 1 (offset 1A0712) 

New Unseen Interview: Mr. Mark & Hoppin Mad


In May 2008, mrmark0673 found a working prototype of Hoppin Mad, an unreleased NES game developed by Elite. The game was previously unknown to the public and when it was found, the NES community was really happy to check all the infos and screens that were freely shared online by its new owner. We had a little interview with Mr. Mark, to talk about Hoppin Mad, the preservation of unseen games, the delicate relationship between collectors / developers / gaming community, the future release of the game and some of his personal tastes. >> Read the full interview 

[Update] More screens & videos in the archive


In the last couple of months we have added some stuff in these Unseen Archives: 100 Bullets, Red Faction BEAST, Project Katana (Red Steel)BioshockSkies of Arcadia, Orchid, The Unseen, Earthworm Jim [PSP]Starcraft GhostBuggy Boogie [N64], Gran Thef Auto 4, Left 4 Dead, Vectorman [PS2], Final Fantasy 7, Resident Evil 1, Dirty Harry, Four Horsemen Of the Apocalypse, Infinity [GBC], Hellgate, Spore, Battletoads [GBA]Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 7 and we cant forget a new, useless Unseen Uncomic + a new Link (Debug Unused Wikia) in our unseen web list!