Unseen News

Unused SaGa Frontier text now translated!

Do you remember the unused japanese text that Robert Seddon found in the American version of  SaGa Frontier (along with other interesting stuff)?  Well, now thanks to another great translation from GlitterBerri, we are able to understand what it all means! Also, we are able to wonder where it could have been used originally. You can read the full text translation (by GlitterBerri) with comments (by Robert Seddon) in here:

Lost Text of SaGa Frontier @ The Face of the Moon

Lost Text of SaGa Frontier @ BerriBlue

Here are some of the most interesting parts:

[… ] The blood of mystics is different from your human blood.
It is not mere substance.
You are inheriting Orlouge’s spirit power.
He killed a woman, you see.
Knocked off a regular human girl.
He didn’t intend for that to happen.
He didn’t want that at all.
So he used his own power to prevent it.[…]

One of the lost scenes from Asellus’s quest: not much new information (why would it bother Orlouge, not the most pleasant of souls, that he unintentionally killed a human?), but her being told to accept her fate like this would have added a little more depth to her predicament.

[…] Be safe, White Rose….
Please protect Lady Asellus.

Thank you, Princess Kurenai.

Another scene cut from Asellus’s quest, showing why Kurenai was included in the game; in the final version she’s still present in Rootville, but after greeting Asellus she serves no function in the plot at all. This escape scene apparently follows the unused scene in Asellus’s bedroom (0x1A9 below) and leads to arrival in Mosperiburg (0x1F3 below).

[…] Furdo1 has come.
What do you think of my true collection?

Perhaps ‘Furdo1’ is another placeholder for the developers.

So: Furdo would have had a larger role in the game, Nashiira and the Bio Research Lab would have had more of a purpose, and not only Zozma but also Ciato and Rastaban would have had more developed roles in Asellus’s quest.

Huge props to Robert and GlitterBerri for this! 

[U64 Italian Podcast] Episodio 1.7: Metal Gear Solid (2° Parte)


The Unseen 64 Podcast is only in Italian, sorry!

U64 Podcast: Episodio 1.7 – Metal Gear Solid (Parte 2°) [53:38]Eccoci giunti alla seconda Podcast dedicata alle beta della saga di Metal Gear Solid: in questo episodio parleremo dello sviluppo di MGS2 ed i suoi cambiamenti, o almeno ci proveremo. I nostri eroi super nerd continuano a sproloquiare fra merendine scomparse, ricordi d’infanzia, le modifiche della trama di MGS2 a causa degli avvenimenti storici, i dubbi sulle petroliere, il prototipo in cell shading, la meravigliosa scoperta di Dragon’s Lair per GBC, la perdita della fuga dall’inondazione della barca, sconvolgenti rivelazioni sulla vita sessuale di Otacon, l’origine femminile di Vamp, l’attacco aereo sul ponte di New York, i modelli poligonali beta all’interno di The Document of MGS2, indagini sull’età di Mey Ling, la comparsa di Raiden, ricerche filologiche sulle riviste videoludiche dell’epoca, allegri giochetti con le scatole di cartone ed il metodo scientifico per identificare la nuova password segreta. Preparatevi per un ora di viaggi mentali in compagnia del tragico staff italiano di U64. >> U64 Episodio 1.7 – Download Versione in MP3


feed-icon16×16.png www.unseen64.podomatic.com/rss2.xm feed-icon16×16.png 

Tower of Goo Unlimited [Wii – Concept]


Tower of Goo Unlimited is the original prototype, made some years ago, of World of Goo, a famous indie game for Pc and Wiiware. Even if you can create only a tower in this concept, the basic gameplay and the graphic style are essentially the same as the released version. There is a level called “Tower of Goo” in the final game, but it is much more  technically refined.

2dboy has a prototype section about the development of World of Goo.




S.T.A.L.K.E.R. prototype released by its own developers!


As we can read on Wikipedia STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, previously known as Stalker: Oblivion Lost, is a PC FPS by Ukrainian developer GSC Game World, published in 2007. The game was first announced in November 2001 and had its release date, originally in 2003, pushed back several times. Due to the delays some considered Stalker to be vaporware.

While the game was really released in the end, the final version was somewhat different from the original Oblivion Lost prototype: in late December 2003, a pre-alpha build (vr 1096) of STALKER was already leaked to peer-to-peer file sharing networks, and fans of the game were then able to compare it to the final build and find some of those differences.

Last week another Alpha (vr 1935) of STAKER was made available to download and this time, it came from its own developers: on the 25 February, GSC Game World released the STALKER “‘xrCore’ build 1935, Oct 18 2004″ on their official forum! You can find links and mirros for the download in that topic.

Gamers are now able to try this early version of the game and all the changes that were made on the final project can be found and preserved. Huge props to GSC! More studios should follow their example and share interesting informations from their gaming development. It’s sad when important pieces of gaming history like these are lost forever because no one cares to preserve them somehow.

As we can read on Rock Paper Shotgun: “S:OL was also a dramatically larger game than S:SOC. While plenty of locations are familiar, there’s a distinct lack of those cocking indestructible barbed wire fences that so hobbled free-form adventuring in S:SOC. To make this huge world navigable, build 1935 includes driveable vehicles”

Thanks to Robert Seddon for the contribution!



Finally leaked! Tiny Toon Adventures [PS2 by Treasure]

Do you remember Tiny Toon Adventures: Defenders of the Universe? It was an interesting 4 Players brawl / fighting game that was in development by Treasure, and even if the Tiny Toon brand could turn you away, dont be fooled: this game was going to be a “spiritual” successor to Rakugaki Showtime, one of the most fun (and rare) Treasure games! So, was TTA as much fun as the original Rakugaki? You can find out by yourself: thanks to linlhutz from the Lost Levels Forum, this game was finally leaked and it can now be played and preserved! Huge props to him!

You can read the original topic at the LLForum and download the leaked Tiny Toon Adventures beta in here or here (Thanks to X-Cult for the mirror). If you are not able to play this one, you can look at a series of  videos (with some framerate issues because of the emu) thanks to ChibiTeinko, check his Youtube Channel.
