Unseen News

[New Article:] Daraku Tenshi: The Fallen… Beta?


In 1998 Psyiko’s “Steel Hearts” team released the highly obscure fighter Daraku Tenshi: The Fallen Angels. The game saw limited release in Japan, and even slimmer distribution in America and other places outside the land of the rising sun. Despite this the game was at least “semi” translated and there is a dip-switch option allowing you to change the after battle quotes into English. Perhaps the thing that makes Daraku Tenshi so interesting is the air of mystery that surrounds its development, and the finished product that we got. Thanks to the rise of the internet however, a few more scraps of info are starting to turn up. The general consensus is that Daraku Tenshi was released unfinished (or in the very least rushed).Read the rest of this entry » 

[Projects] Super Mario 64 Beta Remake Updates

Update: The Mario 64 beta remake mod was revamped sometime around April of 2011. No further information will be posted UNTIL the mod is near complete. The “Beta Replica” is completely gone, so searching for that title won’t do you any good. If you’re interested in a beta remake of Super Mario 64, you can check back on this page any time. Dudaw’s Youtube channel is updated regularly as well http://youtube.com/dudaw12

Again, nothing can be said about the mod at the moment. Look forward to the complete version!

EDIT (Dudaw, creator): Screenshots Added

Old Info:

Okay, I know it seemed like I was stalling this hack on purpose, but I just didn’t have too much time. But now, finally I have released my final of the first beta hack! You can get it in the description of the Youtube video below! The reason why this was so hectic is that school kept getting in the way, and when I thought I would upload the hack, I never got the chance. Please also follow instructions in the description of that video!! It’s your own fault if you can’t get it to work. But if for some reason, you have some strange glitches or unrepairable errors, please send me an email at: [email protected]


Now, there is something else going on too, Bosco came out and he’s making his own beta hack again. So, if you see that please feel free to stop by and give his hack some company. He is having a bit of trouble launching it. As for mine, it seems 99% complete. Although, it does need some revisions (small). I am also going to start some other beta hacks. Because there were about three betas of Mario 64 and then the pre-launch versions. The beta3 should be fairly easy. As for beta2, it will take longer and be even harder than the first beta hack that I released. The one that I released was beta v.1.0 if you forgot. So v.2.0 is the one where Mario’s health meter was shaped like a U/shield and the castle was a bit larger.

Preview of Beta V.1.0 and Download!:

Enjoy! ^_^


[Unseen Hardware] the Phantom Console

The Phantom console was a game system developed by Infinium labs in 2002 but it was canceled for financial problems. This console was able to run games without using cartidges, DVDs or CDs: instead, the games would have been downloaded from internet by a pay-per-play service. The phantom console was designed to be very easy to set up and all the accessories were wireless, so you did not had to worry about any cables. The console did have an AMD Athlon XP 2500+ CPU, an internal 40 GB Hard drive, 256 MB of RAM, Nvidia GeForce FX 5700 Ultra video card and Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio sound card. About the kernel, the Phantom had a modified  

A room full of Sega’s games? Even prototypes!


This can be an old news for someone, in fact, it’s been a while that is circulating on gaming’s blogs, but hey, I’ve been busy, you know, the school is gonna start soon here in Italy! Leaving asides my personal issues, someone at SEGA America Blog stumbled on this room containing every (?) Sega game produced for Sega’s and competitors’ consoles. For a complete view of the games, check out the Flickr account of Sega of America .

Apparently there are even a buch of prototypes in there: “Other drawers have spindles of old sega silvers (final games playable games on regular CD/DVDs)”, it’s cool to know that Sega still preserves old builds of their games, maybe there could be another room in Sega of Japan building that contains Sonic X-Treme, Shenmue for the Saturn and so on! I’m really happy of this find, because I saw in one of the photos two interesting protos, one is Dee Dee Planet and one is an unknown game called “Sonic proof“, but I have no idea of what is that. There could even be other cancelled games