Here’s some concept art for the new Pyro weapon in TF2.. I will put up more as Valve posts them on their blog.
Here’s some concept art for the new Pyro weapon in TF2.. I will put up more as Valve posts them on their blog.
The Unseen 64 Podcast is only in Italian, sorry!
U64 Podcast: Episodio 1.3 – Sonic Xtreme 2° parte [30:29] In questa seconda parte i nostri eroi continueranno la loro avventura nel misterioso mondo di Sonic Xtreme, per approfondire il discorso del passaggio di concept sulla nuova console a 32 bit di Sega, la divisione dei team di sviluppo del progetto Xtreme, il “level engine” contro il “boss engine”, il lavoro su PC e quello sui veri tool per Saturn, la trama del gioco ed i nuovi personaggi, le seghe mentali sulle fidanzate antropomorfe di Sonic, la questione sul motore 3D di NiGHTS, strane voci di interferenza e cani infernali, la creazione dell’effetto Fish-Eye, le abilità dei diversi personaggi giocabili, i rapporti con Sonic Adventure e gli scarti di Xtreme in Sonic 3D Blast. Siete pronti a perdere un’altra mezzora ascoltando le paranoie soniche dello staff di Unseen 64? >> U64 Episodio 1.3 – Download Versione in MP3
Chentzilla has gave us some interesting informations about The Lost, a cancelled action-adventure / survival horror that was in development for XBOX, PS2 and PC. It seems that the game is not really vanished: in March 2008 it was reported that all development and rights to The Lost was acquired by FXLabs, who later released the game for Windows PCs in India under the title Agni: Queen of Darkness. Agni is thought to feature redone art but keeps The Lost basic plot and gameplay elements intact. A cancelled game is not cancelled anymore: the dream of every beta-geek.
ps3punk7890 has found another interesting beta leftover in Jet Force Gemini (relased in 1999): a racing track from Diddy Kong Racing (relased in 1997)! This level is the Greenwood Village and it looks almost the same as the one in DKR, apart from some missing trees and a differend sky. This hidden track could have a simple explanation: Jet Force Gemini was build on a enhanced version of the DKR 3D engine, so this track was left behind when the code was ported and probably it was even used by the RARE beta testers as a test-level for the racing mini-games that are in JFG. Below you can see the leftover map in JFG (first video until 0:37) and the original one in DKR (second video):
Update: it seems that the DKR track is really in JFG! As Andi has made us to notice: “This ISN´T any beta-stuff! I have this game and I´ve unlocked this Diddy Kong Racing-Track absolutly normal! You must collect all Tribals and other stuff and you will unlock this easter egg! Nothing BETA! ;-)”
Robert Seddon continues his great series of unseen-links, with a couple of pages about the beta content of Saga Frontier. As he says “Information on the removed bits is supposed to be in a Japanese book called ‘The Essence of SaGa Frontier’, but I can only find *incomplete* transcriptions:
Interesting note about the FFVII-style Love Meter. (‘Red’s quest was supposed to have a unique spin to it– he was supposed to have a love parameter that would determine how close Red and Yuria are. Depending on how Red responded to her, they would either end up together or not. However, due to a lack of memory, this project was scrapped, and it is the general consensus that they end up together.’) Otherwise, it’s too unfinished: ‘This FAQ is far from complete and will expand only when people start asking more questions, since the question-and-answer session makes it easier for our esteemed sources to figure out what people want to know.’ (Nobody asked, I suppose…)
But… here there are some translation information, and
dormant for months, although they may not be dead yet.”
If someone has more informations about the “Essence of SaGa Frontier” book or a complete translation of the removed game-content, please let us know!