Unseen News

Mario Galaxy beta-demo still hidden in the final game

Thanks to some hack-magic-stuff, Usernamehere on the X-Cult forum, has found the Mario Galaxy E3 2007 demo level hidden in the code of the final game. As he says in the topic: “There’s some other left overs in Galaxy, including Mario’s Sunshine model and a file titled demomario, for the most part it’s just Mario but with different fists.” It’s an interesting find and we wonder if there could still be some unknow areas hidden in there. Here’s a look at the beta-demo found in the code:


You can recognize the same level in this old Mario Galaxy screen:


You can check more beta-screens and infos about the beta version of Galaxy in our archive page.


Lunar II: Eternal Blue original concept

Kid Fenris has recenlty scanned Softbank’s Lunar I and II artbook, where we can see some of the original concept for the characters that were meant to be in the second game. As KidF says in his site: “Lunar II […] abandoned most of the original Lunar’s characters in the process. That wasn’t always the plan. GameArts’ original ideas for Lunar II: Eternal Blue called for the main cast from Lunar: The Silver Star to return, older and perhaps as supporting characters. That’s what some early concept illustrations from Softbank’s Lunar I and II artbook shows, anyway.”


“Alex, the hero, was a kid with a harp and a fur hat in the first game. For the second, he became a lumberjack and grew one hell of a mullet, while his passive love interest, Luna, started wearing makeup.” You can read more infos and see more scans at www.kidfenris.com. Props to Kid Fenris for this find! 

[Projects] Super Mario 64 Beta Remake


After the Super Mario World Beta Remake by Randy355, Unseen 64 would like to promote another attempt in recreating the Mario 64 Beta game: in this new unseen project, Bosco is trying to hack Super Mario 64 with Toad’s Tool 64, to change textures and to add some of the removed stuff that we can see in the old screens and videos. An example is this testing video, where he has changed the textures in the castle entrance, to try to match the ones that are in the beta screen below. Take a look and keep in mind that Bosco has started the Mario 64 Beta project from just a couple of days and it’s just an early work: