Unseen News

RS Links: Grim Fandango Missing Content

In this link from the long list of beta-related websites that Robert Seddon sent to us, we can find some informations, sounds and images about unused stuff hidden in the memory of Grim Fandango: “Grim Fandango came with a considerable amount of content which was included with the game, but not made available without delving into the game’s resource files and extracting them.”


 Calavera Bar Alternate Angle

You can read the original story @ Grim Fandango Network  

Carmageddon 64 (N64) Prototype Video

N64scener has added in his Youtube channel a video from and old version of Carmageddon 64: “prototype built May 4 1999 (23:05). The build is quite early, the game freaks out if an expansion pak is inserted and the car is completely uncontrolable”. The final game was released in 2000, but i never played it so i’m not sure if there are any major differences in this video, but maybe you’ll find it interesting, check it out!


[Update] A couple of new intros

Pokèmon Snap [N64 – Beta]: Various beta images of Pokèmon Snap show a bar in the bottom right corner where you can select Pokè Flute, Apple, and some bomb thing. Also unseen in the same images are shots of a desert area not released on the final game. There’s also some screens from the forest and swamp, showing some pretty big changes. Ekans, the snake Pokèmon was also in the beta version, but not in the final. Why Ekans was cut is unknown.

Sonic [DS – Tech Demo]: The core gameplay of Sonic DS was to rub the bar on the touch screen as fast as possible. The fast you rub, the fast Sonic goes. There also seems to be some sort of obstacle jumping element. In the end, the whole idea was scrapped for the 2D platformer, Sonic Rush. Playable characters in Sonic DS included Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Shadow, and Blaze.