Unseen News

Video Games History 2K8: rarità e prototipi a Monza

This article is only in italian, sorry!


I ragazzi di www.gamescollection.it hanno organizzato l’evento 2008 per tutti i veri maniaci di videogames, con una fiera interamente dedicata alle collezioni di pezzi rari, retrogaming, riviste d’epoca e tornei con ricchi premi. La parte davvero interessante per noi beta geeks, sarà la possibilità di osservare dal vivo un’affascinante raccolta di materiale “unseen”, con kit di sviluppo originali e prototipi di videogiochi mai usciti.. un occasione per conoscere e parlare con i maggiori collezionisti italiani e magari scoprire che posseggono qualche beta del nostro gioco preferito! L’incontro è previsto nelle giornate di venerdi 23, sabato 24 e domenica 25 maggio, si svolgerà a Monza, in via Filippo Turati 8, presso l’Urban Center (Aperto tutti i giorni dalle 11 alle 20).

Per maggiori informazioni: www.gamescollection.it/events/show/4


Lo staff italiano di Unseen64 cercherà di essere presente all’evento, almeno in una delle giornate, per un po’ di sane pubbliche relazioni con i collezionisti, cercando qualche informazione esclusiva sui loro prototipi, foto e video ancora unseen! Se passate anche voi da quelle parti fateci sapere, potremmo anche svolgere un piccolo U64 meeting ;)


Spore [PC – Beta]


Spore is a video game under development by Maxis and designed by Will Wright. The game has drawn wide attention for its promise to simulate the development of a species on a galactic scope, using its innovation of user-guided evolution via the use of procedural generation for many of the components of the game, providing vast scope and open-ended gameplay. Spore was originally a working title, suggested by developer Ocean Quigley, for the game which was first referred to by the general public as SimEverything. Even though SimEverything was a first choice name for Wright, the title Spore stuck. The gameplay itself had numerous changes during development. The most striking was the shift in realism, from the gritty depiction of cellular and animal life in the GDC 2005 debut, to the current iteration of a more round, softer edged depiction of the creatures. The most visible change was in the cellular phase, which transformed the monocellular organisms into strange insects with cartoonish, human-like eyes, which were  

RS Links: Baldur’s Gate II beta content restored

Robert Seddon has found some interesting beta-related links: in one of these, there is a mod for Baldur’s Gate II, that tries to “restore many of the cut items, quests, and encounters from the game’s final release”. Trouble is – as Robert says – it also tries to add new stuff to ‘tie up loose ends’ in the plot, and it’s sometimes slightly unclear from the notes what was Bioware’s and what was added by the modders. You can check this mod by yourself if you follow these links:

Some of the restored stuff should be:

  • The Suna Seni/Valygar Relationship Restoration
  • Kalah and What He Was Promised, by Andyr
  • Restored Crooked Crane
  • Restored Encounters
  • Restored Hell Minions, by SimDing0
  • Item Restorations
  • Yoshimo’s Original Portrait
  • Anomen’s Original Portrait
  • NPC Portrait Restorations
  • Restored Minor Dialogs
  • Restored Bhaalspawn Powers, by David Gaider
  • Throne of Bhaal Minor Restorations


Probably if you are interested in this project, you know Baldur’s Gate II better than us, and so you will not be too much confused between restored beta stuff and new added content. Even if we are a bit lost about this, we are always happy when we see sexy geeks like these, that try to explore and restore cutted games. Huge props to them and thanks to Robert for the link!