New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Iratan Supremacy [Jaguar – Cancelled]

Iratan Supremacy is a cancelled 3D fighting game that was in development for the Atari Jaguar by Level 7. The project was meant to be a mix between Killer Instinct and Virtua Fighter, but soon it was canned because of the failure of the console. Celine was able to find a target render of one of the Iratan Supremacy’s characters  in CD Consoles magazine #13, while some more artworks were found by the JagWare community.


Croc was born as a prototype for a new 3D Mario game with Yoshi as the protagonist

Croc was born as a prototype for a new 3D Mario game with Yoshi as the protagonist:

“The end came when we pitched to do a 3D platform game, the likes of which had never been done before. We mocked up a prototype using Yoshi. It was essentially the world’s first 3D platform game and was obviously a big risk – Nintendo had never let an outside company use their characters before, and weren’t about to, either. This is the moment the deal fell apart. We later made that game into Croc: Legend of the Gobbos for the PlayStation, Saturn and PC, which became our biggest ever game in terms of sales and also in royalties, since we owned the IP.”

Taken from Eurogamer’s article about Argonaut Software

Welcome to Unseen64 v4.0! :D

Finally! Finally, finally finally finally! XD Finally after a year or 4 (I think?) I found the time and will to upgrade the site LOL! There is still a lot that has to happen but I have everything ready so it can be used! :D Most of the things I still need to do are especially background stuffs though so yeah you won’t be seeing much of those :3

As you can see the layout is updated to fit today’s techs :D The new and fresh layout is also ‘responsive’ meaning you can view the site on any device! The site will adapt itself to the device you are viewing it on. Ranging from phones, 3ds, vitas, tablets, tv’s and what not! You should try it yourself, it’s a llot of fun! :D

We also have a new Forum now! Finally we can discus our favorite unseen and released/upcoming games again! :D Also the “Off [Beta] Topic and Spam” section is back for some fun :) The forum works as it should completely but me and mono still have to add some stickies to it. Expect them to come soon! There are just two things you need to know, and that is that there is no possibility to PM stuff and you cannot preview posts but you can still edit them though. This due to some technical limitations.

Your profile is also different now. Instead of having to go to a special login page you can now directly login on the main site! Next to the traditional way of registering for U64 you can now also login with your favorite social network! Just click one of the icons under the login form to login with one of those and BAM! you can comment and participate in the forum! :D If you are logged in you can click on your name in the YOUR ACCOUNT block to edit your profile and upload your custom avatar and edit your signature and all. You also only need one account from now on for everything! No more different accounts for the site and forums and etc.

A last thing is that we also want to interact more on social networks! As you can see there are buttons to share posts and articles you like instantly on you Facebook, Twitter or G+. If you follow us on either Facebook or Twitter we will also auto-post an announcement with a link of every new article from now on so you will always be updated!

That’s it for now. If you have something to say about the new Unseen64, please leave your message in the comment box below (which also supports threaded comments from now on LOL)! I hope you will enjoy the new Unseen64 V4! :D

MySims Social [Cancelled – PC / Facebook]

After the release of MySims Skyheros, EA started to ponder what the next step for the MySims series, a spinoff the sims sims series for children, would go next. EA started development of MySims Social, which was to be released part of the Social series, which also contains The Sims Social and Simcity Social. While The Sims Social and Simcity social released, MySims Social was cancelled for unknown reasons.

Only a few screenshots of this game still exist that show preserves its existence:

flower_shop misc_buildings_01house_interests_01_compiled


It is unknown why it was cancelled, however it would appear that the last screenshot shown is an ingame shot.

Thanks to a user on BeyondSims for the contribution.