New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Rumble: The Mad Match [GBC – Cancelled]

Rumble: The Mad Match is a cancelled fantasy dodge ball game that was in development for the GameBoy Color at Protonic Interactive (also known as Prograph Research) around 2000. The italian team cooked up a game that looks very reminiscent of Neo Geo classic Windjammers only with six (plus one hidden) strange fantasy creatures as players. The goal was to score more points than your opponent by throwing the ball behind him even with the use of special moves.

Here what Massimiliano Calamai, Prograph Research developer at the time,  recalls about the project:

Rumble was designed and completed in a few months in a space of time secondary to the priority projects of Prograph.
Game Boy Color market was already down sharply and we found no publisher interested in publishing; unfortunately at that time you had to have an interesting license or  else paradoxically , even if the product was complete,  it was not worth to be published due to the high cartridge production costs.
The game was never released despite being complete.


Monkey Ball Touch & Roll [DS- Unused Levels]

Monkey Ball is an ongoing series of action-adventure games published by Sega, new installments frequently being developed for a variety of consoles. Monkey Ball Touch & Roll, played on the Nintendo DS, contains 120 adventure mode levels and various others for the 6 minigames. However, looking at the files inside the game, it may seen odd that there are over 70 more level files than there should be. Most of these files appear to be levels ported from Monkey Ball and Monkey Ball 2 for gamecube. Among the minigame levels, 6 unused Survival maps and 7 unused Golf maps can be found, as seen below.

Article by Skelux


Saw [Beta / Unused Stuff – Xbox 360, PS3, PC]

Saw: The Video Game is a third person survival horror with action elements. It was developed by Zombie Studios and published by Konami. The Gamespot’s video from Konami Gamers Night 2009 is quite interesting. It shows early beta version of first level, where everything is work-in-progress. It is most noticeable that the bathroom and its lighting were different, there was a placeholder character on the place of detective Tapp and the place outside the bathroom looked completely different from the final version of the game.

Information about early beta version of the game was available from the blogspot blog “Dani’s Portfolio” ( until it was deleted. The blog post was made in December 2008. This information includes screenshots from very early version of the game. The profile of the post author is still online: . Thankfully, I made a copy of that post before it was deleted, and if you’re interested, you can download it here.

Now, on to the unused content. The PC version of the game comes with level editor included, and unused content can be found by browsing the game’s packages with it. I made two small maps to demonstrate some of it.

Before the release of the game, it was rumored that the character Dr. Gordon will be in it, but he wasn’t found there: the developers cancelled this idea. But they left the character, his 3D model, and some dialogues related to him in the game as an unused content. In the interview John Williamson from Zombie, Inc said:

Dr. Gordon is at the top of our lists to explore. He was actually in an early version of the first SAW game, but Lionsgate had plans for him of their own…


Saw game also features ability to make the player play as any character other than Detective Tapp, unused animations, items and characters. Some unused content was used in the Saw 2 game, for example, character Carla.

The Truth Mod uses ability to play as another character, unused music and dialogues. The mod’s teaser video begins with Melissa’s unused dialogue, few seconds later you can hear a couple of unused phrases voiced by Tobin Bell.

Among the pictures included in this article, you can see an image of GUI which says “(PLAYERNAME/GAMERTAG) wishes to join your current game…” (CookedPC\Packages\UI\UI_HUD_Scenes_SAW.upk\JoinRequest). Apparently it was left from 2-player coop mode which was originally planned. The video file SawGame\Movies\trap_fail.bik shows Tapp and Amanda both at the end of the Chapter 2 – Jennings, while in the actual game Amanda gets captured at the beginning of it, so this video looks like another leftover from coop mode.

If you want to see more unused content, launch the game with “editor” command-line parameter and browse the resources with Generic Browser.

Article by EmoLevelDesigner



Burnout [Beta – PS2, XBOX, GameCube]

Burnout (working title Shiny Red Car) is a racing game developed by Criterion Games and published by Acclaim on the PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube and Xbox in 2001. 11 years later, information regarding Burnout beta cars has been revealed. It wasn’t exactly hidden, but neither was it put out there to the public. Firstly, the vehicles have names tied to them. A slight hint to this is the fact that the Saloon GT has the bolded words “TENRAI” on the back. Nobody understood what this meant (other than it’s just a manufacturer name), but this latest discovery puts all of the theories to rest and finally puts a meaning to all of this.

On top of this, there was officially one cut vehicle from the game. This would be the Fire Engine, most likely to be assumed a Fire truck. No files for this vehicle remain in the game, only references to its name.

To start, here is the list of vehicle names taken directly from the inner-workings of Burnout on the PS2:

  • Frente GL
  • Venom SX
  • Sabre
  • Thunderbolt GT
  • Longbow EXC 300
  • Tenrai VII
  • Grizzly
  • Hudson 418
  • UT500 Jackhammer
  • Fire Engine

One will have to assume which vehicle name is tied to what, but a good way to figure that out is to try and associate each name with each car based on what it is. For example, the UT500 Jackhammer sounds like the Tow Truck, and the Sabre could be the Muscle (which resembles a Dodge Viper).

There were also many cut traffic cars. In the final game, only 8 traffic cars appear in each city, but the full list of traffic cars may come as a surprise to some…here they are!

  • Europe Bus
  • Oriental Bus
  • USA Bus
  • Long cab
  • Cab over
  • Compact
  • Old compact
  • Container
  • Flatbed
  • Minibus
  • Payload
  • Europe police
  • Oriental police
  • USA police
  • Sedan
  • Tanker
  • Europe taxi
  • Oriental taxi
  • USA taxi
  • Van
  • Europe truck
  • Oriental truck
  • USA truck
  • Europe van

You may be thinking:


It would seem that cop cars were originally planned, but later cut! What a shame!

The above names were actual string names assigned to each model in-game, but the following names are the names used for each model. This could provide an insight into what kind of cars were planned for the game. Since these are model names, they are all capitals, and most likely, abbreviated as much as possible. About 80% of the traffic cars would be cut from the game!

  • VAN
  • LUTON1
  • LUTON2

You may be thinking:


Yes, a motorbike and a scooter. It was going to happen. You heard it here first on Unseen64!

All of the information seen here was found inside of the SLUS_203.07 file that can be found inside of the Burnout [PS2] disc. The information provided above has not be altered in any way, shape, or form, and is guaranteed to be 100% correct based upon the developer.

And to think, it only took 11 years to find this out. It was worth it!

Article by Red

Dota-kun no Bouken Roman [NES – Cancelled]

Dota-kun no Bouken Roman is a cancelled side scrolling platform / action game that was in development for the Famicom / NES that was produced by Atlus and was going to be published by Imagineer. There are basically no info about Dota Kun’s gameplay, but we can look at some scans that were uploaded on a japanese website. On GDRI we can read some more info on the development:

Dota-kun no Bouken Roman (“Dota’s Romantic Adventure”) is some sort of side-scrolling action game that was to be published under Imagineer’s WaveJack Jr. label. It was based on an MSX game by SystemSoft. You can see ads and screenshots here. The point is, I asked Esaki if it was developed by Atlus (because I suspected it was). He said it was produced by Atlus, but it was programmed outside the company. That seems to have been a common practice for Atlus, especially in the early days.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!
