New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Insect Breeder [WonderSwan Color – Cancelled]

Around 2000 the breeding genre was very popular fueled by Pokemon, along with japanese kids always in love with insects, as in the Mushiking phenomenon. Probably Bandai decided to greenlit an insect breeder game (インセクトブリーダー) for its handheld Wonderswan Color to ride the boom. Too bad this game was never released and no information was ever shared, with the exception of a single image.


James Bond 007: Risico (Raven Software) [Cancelled – Xbox 360 / PS3]

As we can read on Wikipedia, James Bond 007: Risico is a cancelled game that was in development by Raven Software studios. This early replacement of Blood Stone was never officially announced, but some screenshots and videos were leaked on the internet. Risico was based on Ian Fleming’s short story “Risico” with the plotline expanded and involved with other unseen elements from James Bond novels written by Ian Fleming himself.

It’s possible that this Raven Software’s new James Bond title was cancelled because of MGM’s financial troubles, while G4 reports that the team has been told to put its  Bond project on hold and instead develop map packs for Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops. Also, James Bond 007: Risico might have been intended for a release during Christmas 2010, if Bloodstone had been released (as originally planned) in 2009. Two Bond games in the same timeframe – that was even enough for Activision.

Thanks to PyratRum for the contribution!


Melon Brains [Beta – LaserActive]

Thanks to the LaserActive Preservation Project, we can take a look at a beta version of Melon Brains, a dolphin edutainment title for the platform. You can find the beta footage at the 5:30 mark in the video below. The main menu is in a very unfinished state, as is the interface while the video is playing – white boxes and stand-in text are in place of the later finalized icons and banners.

Thanks to Max Krieger for the contribution!


Princess Maker: Yumemiru Yousei [WonderSwan Color – Cancelled]

A new game in the Princess Maker (プリンセスメーカー) series was in development for Wonderswan, but cancelled in the end. The title was revealed back when Wonderswan Color was announced, it was to be published by Bandai Visual but after it was postponed, it never saw a release on Bandai’s system.

As noted by xdaniel the game disappeared from Bandai release lists around March-August 2001 so it’s likely it was cancelled in that period.


Zodiac Assassin [PS3 – Cancelled Prototype]

Zodiac Assassin (PS3) was a prototype by Sony Cambridge in 2005. Studio director James Shepherd wanted to produce a globe-trotting, Kill Bill-esque assassin game. The game would have been set in a number of locations such as Mexico (during the “Day of the Dead” festival), Turkey and Japan. It was meant to feature a female lead who was heavily into disguises and assassinations. The title didn’t get very far as Sony was buying in the martial arts fantasy game Heavenly Sword from Ninja Theory.
