New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Sword of Legendia [Wii – Cancelled]

In September 2006, just before the Wii launch, Nintendo asked to producers of various japanese publishers to share their thoughts about the new platform in an interview. The first interviewee was Tales Studio‘s producer Makoto Yoshizumi. While discussing the system he talked about Sword of Legendia briefly showing an artwork about the project.

After that the title was cited on Namco site as an RPG exclusive to Wii but nothing else was released for several years. In 2008 Tsutomu Gouda confirmed that he was in charge of the project and that contrary to what was thought it wasn’t related to “Tales of” franchise ( conclusion inducted by the likeness with a past “Tales of” game, Tales of Legendia).

In 2009, while discussing Fragile, Kentarou Kawashima confirmed that Sword of Legendia was still on going but after that another information blackout began until Japan Expo 2011 where Makoto Yoshizumi revealed the project “was cancelled several years ago”. Very little is known about this mysterious game and ironically the only evidence ever show to prove its existence was the initial artwork that you can see below.

Thanks to Kurosaki Ichigo for the old NeoGaf thread.


Crash Tag Team Racing [Beta – PS2 / XBOX / GameCube / PSP]

Crash Tag Team Racing is a racing game developed by Radical Entertainment and  published in 2005 by Sierra Entertainment for the PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Xbox and PSP. A beta E3 demo of Crash Tag Team Racing was shared online by ePiX in april 2012 and Stranno posted an interesting comparison between the final version and the beta.



Crixa [Cancelled – PC]

Dou you remember the Blizzard cancelled games list? Well two weeks ago I was searching on the internet and I found a lot of information about one of the games, Crixa that was in development by an indie game company called Qualia Games between 1995 and 1996. It was a 2D top-down spaceship shooter that was going to be published by Blizzard Entertaiment.

Here there is more information about this canceled project:

Post by Elian


Vampire Circus [N64 – Prototype]

Vampire Circus was a Gauntlet-like type of game full of vampires and zombies planned for Nintendo 64 by Zed Two who started working on it in 1996. The game was designed so that you controlled just a single character out of the five in the party, and the others would be under AI control, although you could switch which of the five you were controlling. Each had different skills and abilities, so there was good reason to swap your control between different characters, and it was also possible to lose members of your party to the vampire hoard, so you could only control members of the party that remained alive.

Zed Two got quite far with a playable prototype but when Infogrames took over Ocean, who originally struck a two games deal with the developer (the other one was Wetrix), they forced the team to work with Warner Bros properties they just bought at a great expense. The promising project was thus morphed into the less ambitious Taz Express.

All information and artworks are courtesy of Pickford Bros official website.


Aeon-Metal Fighters [GBC – Unreleased]

Aeon-Metal Fighters is an unreleased shoot ’em up that was in development by Dune team for the Gameboy Color. The project was started around 2001, all the graphics and musics are done, the code is about 70 percent finished, the main big task Dune left unfinished was the level design. The game has been frozen because of the lack of interest of publishers and the programmer had to left the project because of that. Aeon-Metal Fighters could be finished at some point if Dune ever manage to find the ressources (mainly coding) to complete it.

Aeon-Metal Fighters has 6 worlds of shooting madness packed with action and baddies, 3 unique characters with their own storyline, evil bosses and great musics from a chiptune legend (dma-sc).

Thanks to Mic/dune for the contribution!
