New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

King’s Field / Crystal Dragon (Japan Version) [Beta – PSX]

King’s Field is a dungeon crawler created by From Software and released in 1994 for Playstation. It was never published in the West.

From this early screenshot, taken from Edge issue 11, we can see that originally the game was called Crystal Dragon:

crystal dragon king's field beta

Another beta pic, shown below, probably taken from a more advanced build, was published in a issue of Console Mania, an italian magazine.

king's field betaIf you have any more info about this game, please let us know!

Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! [Beta / Removed Content – PC]

Article by Razor

Removed Content

The development of Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now! was a frenzied one, a lot of changes were made throughout the game. Most of the changes have been documented by several fans of the franchise on the Carmageddon fan discussion boards.

Steel Gonad O’ Death

Got ‘im in the bollocks powerup icon from the Alpha demo of C2

The Got ‘im in the bollocks powerup is a removed powerup from the Splat Pack (it may be in the original Carmageddon also) and it was carried over into C2, this powerup can still be activated in the final version of C2 but it just gives you credits, not only that but it displays a message on the screen that confirms the powerup has been activated.

The powerup icon doesn’t exist in the final version of Carmageddon II but it does exist in the alpha/demo versions of Carmageddon II.

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Resident Evil Revelations [Beta – 3DS]

Resident Evil: Revelations is a survival horror developed by Capcom and published for the Nintendo 3DS in January / February 2012.  It seems that the beta version of Resident Evil Revelations featured an almost completely different story line where Chris and Jill were on an unnamed ship. For some reason the two protagonists turn against each other. The original trailer shows a Chris look-alike tied down to a chair. Jill asks Chris if he has some sort of object and Chris replies “You’ll have to kill me to find out.” The characters and story in Resident Evil Revelations seem to have been heavily changed during its production.

Fun note: prior to its release, Capcom sent North American copies of Resident Evil: Revelations to reviewers, with the game’s title misspelled as “Revelaitons”.

In the second video, there’s another beta cutscene that didn’t make the final game. [Spoiler] When you first meet Rachel as Jill you just see her getting killed through the glass window in game there is no cutscene. In the Resident Evil Revelations pilot version demo in merc 3d, Rachel is not used and there is a different person that sounds like Raymond.

If you find more beta differences in the old trailers and screens, please let us know!

About tech-demo:

Early arts

Thanks to David Garcia, Matt, Stalfos, Pycckuu! and king for the contributions!


Wipeout Pulse [PSP – Beta]

Wipeout Pulse is a racing game developed by Sony Studio Liverpool for the PSP, sequel to Wipeout Pure.

Before the game was released in late 2007, a promotional UMD was released in both Europe and North America. This contained some material not seen in the final game, the most interesting of which was the AI Race mode.

This was available in the Racebox section of the game, allowing the player to select the track and difficulty of the race between a group of AI controlled vehicles. The D-pad allowed the player to switch the camera between different vehicles, as well as selecting the camaera angle.

As in the final game, the Photo Mode was available, allowing screenshots to be saved to the memory stick.

Post by Edward Kirk

Phantasy Star Online Card Battle [GameCube – Prototype]

At E3 2002 Sega , in conjunction with Nintendo, showed a new exclusive Phantasy Star Online game which had a focus on card based battles, named PSO Card Battle. In the end the game evolved and was released as Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution for Gamecube. However what is little known is that when unveiled for the first time at that trade show, the game was a premiere title for a new Nintendo pheriperal: a small LCD screen attached to the system.

At its developer roundtable that year Nintendo revealed Sega new project with a brief trailer and Yuji Naka explained how the idea for the game sprung from Nintendo’s idea to develop a portable screen for the GameCube and create the ability to link four GameCubes together for portable multiplayer gameplay. GameCube linkup feature and portability weren’t the only reasons to use the quirky device in fact Nintendo kept secret the most amusing feature behind the screen that is the ability to display stereoscopic images without requiring special glasses.

Only many years later, when the company was ready to launch its new autostereoscopic handheld system, Iwata confirmed the true nature of the the portable screen showed at E3 2002. So it’s more than likely that PSO Card Battle was one of the first 3D games for Gamecube, the genre is ideal to show off popup graphics, along with Luigi’s Mansion and probably Metroid Prime ( another game displayed on the little LCD screen in that faithful event ).

Thanks to Grooveraider for the brief clip.

