New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Katakis 3D [GBC – Cancelled]

In 2001 legendary programmer Manfred Trenz (idea, design, program, graphics), Andreas Escher (design, graphics) and Tufan Uysal (sound effects & music) completed  a sequel to the old Katakis C64 shooter for Game Boy Color. Contrary to the original game (an horizontal scrolling shooter) Katakis 3D adopted a forward-scrolling perspective akin to Star Fox or Iridion 3D thus the “3D” suffix.

Development took 5 months that sadly were unfruitful because the completed project couldn’t find a publisher interested to shipping it so from 2001 the game gather dust in a safe. Quite unfortunate cause it would have been very interesting to witness what Manfred Trenz amazing low level programming skills could have produced on the weak Game Boy Color hardware.

Thanks to Collect-Thor for the contribution!


Robocop & Gen 13 PSX protos are leaked and preserved

Our friends at Games That Weren’t were able to find and share a couple of interesting protos, that were seen some years ago in the Playstation Museum: Robocop and Gen 13. You can download the proto at Games That Weren’t website, to “play” them in your favourite PSX emu. These are just very early protos so there is not much to see, but they are a nice piece of unseen gaming history. Let us know if you find something more in their codes!

The Robocop file is a simple tech demo where you can control Robocop walking around a single mostly wall-less warehouse. Pillars and boxes provide some sparse decoration and while it’s 3D nothing is ‘solid’, allowing you to walk through the walls and objects.

Gen 13; The Realtime Associate’s version is the most simple, but Playstation Museum caveat this by pointing out it was done in a single week, which makes it quite impressive. It’s a fully 3D rendering of the heroine of the game and you can walk her forwards and backwards from multiple camera angles.

Thanks to Unclejun for the help to convert these files in a playable form!


[U64 Italian Podcast] Episodio 2.0: Super Mario Beta Saga (Parte I)


The Unseen 64 Podcast is only in Italian, sorry!

U64 Podcast: Episodio 2.0 – Super Mario Beta Saga (Parte I) [78:54] (streaming) – In qualche modo la podcast di Unseen 64 è arrivata al 20esimo episodio, la qualità non è di certo migliorata ma ci divertiamo tanto quanto la prima volta! In questa puntata bonus, organizzata dal nostro ascoltatore Mr Game, ci siamo ritrovati ad approfondire vari aspetti dello sviluppo dei capitoli tridimensionali della saga di Mario, partendo ovviamente da Mario 64. Le differenze fra le versioni Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, la difficolta’ nello sviluppo, i riferimenti ad altri giochi, i dati beta inutilizzati trovati nel gioco, la famosa “Impossible Coin”, la leggenda di “L is Real 2041” e vari ricordi più o meno demenziali sulla nostra esperienza nel castello di Peach. Siamo poi saltati a dispersioni varie su Super Mario 128 (a.k.a. Super Mario 64 2) e le teorie sulle aggiunte a Mario 64DS, elementi più o meno segreti in Super Mario Sunshine, la Beta dell’E3, le musiche e i video non usati, la bellissima debug room e il libro misterioso, oltre a strani rumors su Mario Sunshine 3DS. Avrete il coraggio di ascoltare questo nuovo episodio fino in fondo? >> U64 Episodio 2.0 – Super Mario Beta Saga (Parte I) [78:54]– Download Versione in MP3

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Cesium [XBOX – Cancelled]

Cesium is a cancelled action adventure that was in development for the original Xbox by FASA Studio / Microsoft Games Studios in 2004. The project was canned in early prototype form and only some concept arts remain to preserve its existence. The game’s world evolved from fantasy floating cities to iconic asian levels and even the main protagonist was probably still undecided. We can speculate that the Cesium project was canned to move their resources on other games, as Crimson Skies. FASA Studio was officially shutdown in 2007.

Thanks to Yulle for the contribution!
