New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

What is ACTA you may ask? What can you do about it?

Attention all beta geeks a threat to our way of life has emerged known simply as ACTA. What is ACTA you may ask? ACTA stands for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. This is no ordinary trade agreement as it would have dire consequences for the internet as we know it. ACTA was negotiated by a small number of countries in secret such as the United States, Japan, Mexico, and all of Europe. ACTA has been signed by almost all of the participating countries except for Mexico and New Zealand, however it still must be ratified by the European Parliament. So, you’re probably wondering what does ACTA mean for me? Here’s how it will affect you if it passes.

  • Your ISP would be required to monitor what you do online 24/7 and if Hollywood thinks you committed copyright infringement they could throw you in prison.
  • Youtube would be mostly wiped out due to “Copyright infringement”.
  • It guts fair use laws.
  • There is a possibility we would see a end to U64 itself in the name of “Copyright infringement”.
  • Mods for your PC games may be gone.
  • What the beta community does best which is preserve beta would be ended.
  • It would limit freedom of speech.

So to sum up ACTA’s effect on you it would.

  • Destroy your right to privacy.
  • Limit your right to free speech.
  • Destroy the internet we all know and love.
  • Set up a board of unaccountable unelected people to modify ACTA effectively circumventing any democratic scrutiny.

What can you do about it? Glad you asked that question. You can go to to sign the worldwide petition telling the European Parliament to reject ACTA, you can also go to for more information about ACTA and how you can act against it.

Remember ACTA isn’t about copyright infringement, it’s about infringing on your fundamental rights.

Zzyorxx II [Jaguar – Cancelled]

Zzyorxx II is a cancelled shoot ’em up that was in development by Virtual Xperience for Jaguar.
The game run at 60 fps and had planned 5 different ages to go through from Prehistory to Star Wars ( passing through Middle Ages and First World War ).
As Rodolphe Czuba , programmer at Virtual Xperience, recalled over at

Two more games were in development:

  • Zzyorxx, a great shoot-’em-up!
  • Indy Jag, a platform game.

The first was stopped two months before the end of the development by my managing associate at VX! A real shame. Only some graphics were done for Indy Jag, a concept like a humorous Indiana Jones with a jaguar figure.

Scans from Cd Consoles issue 5 and 13.


Panic Museum [Beta – Arcade]

Panic Museum is a on-rail shooter developed by Taito and GameWax, released in arcades in 2010. The game is a bit like a cross between the House of the Dead and the film Night at the Museum. Kieran played a beta version of Panid Museum at blackpool in the UK, and he noticed some differences:

The original name of the game was to be called haunted museum but was changed possibly due to copyright reasons (not sure why)
In the final version of the game the crosshairs was left out but was in the beta version.
Another difference is that you were set to go in a certain order starting with the mummy Egyptian level and then the library etc but in the final version you now have 3 stages to choose from in any order you like apart from the ones that need unlocking going upwards.
The aquarium level is the last level to be unlocked in the final version but wasn’t in the beta version
In the library level the deck of card monsters ran at you too quickly but now their speed have been reduced in the final version thus making the animation more in line with everything else.

Thanks to Kieran for the contribution!

Video from the final version:

Odema and the magic book [GBA – Cancelled]

Odema and the magic book” is a cancelled 2D sidescrolling action / platform game that was in development by french team Namdoo for the Gameboy Advance. From the video below we can see that Odema was going to be somehow similar to a “kiddy Metal Slug”, with 7 huge worlds with multiple pathes, more than 30 different enemies and 14 Bosses. Namdoo managed to create a playable beta version in 4 MegaBytes only, everything was packed on the cartridge and unpacked on the fly, at 60 frames per second, but there was still no sound or sfx. The game was about 75% complete when they had to cancel it.

Thanks a lot to Collect-Thor for the contribution!

