New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Grabbed by The Ghoulies [Beta – Xbox]

Grabbed by The Ghoulies is an action game that was developed by Rare and released for the original Xbox in 2003. As we can read on Wikipedia, before any details of the game were publicised, it was widely considered that Grabbed by the Ghoulies would be the subtitle to the next Conker the Squirrel game, after Conker’s Bad Fur Day. The game was originally intended to be a much larger in scope open-world platformer but due to the Microsoft buyout in 2002 and time constraints a simpler design and concept was adopted.

Grabbed by The Ghoulies was initially going to be released on the Nintendo GameCube and in the final Xbox game you can unlock a trailer from E3 2001, that should show the project when it was still on the Nintendo console (you can find it below). Thanks to Rareware Archives we can see many concept arts and beta screens, that show early designes of the characters, unused enemies and other interesting differences. As we can read in their description for the Grabbed by The Ghoulies beta 2001 video:

A lot has certainly changed from the game we’re familiar with, as the video includes a few cut enemies mucking about, early working models for the Zombie Ghoulies and Coopers girlfriend Amber and a surprise from Gweneth, the sneering Ghouly at the end, who was ultimately cut as well.



The Avengers [Cancelled – Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC / Wii U]

The Avengers is a cancelled first person co-op beat ‘em up game that was planned to  be released alongside the 2012 superhero movie of the same name. The project was under development at THQ Studio Australia (Studio Oz) until THQ decided to close it. It was being worked on for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC; with further plans for a Wii U release.

The Cancelled THQ's The Avengers videogame

The logo and title screen of THQ’s The Avengers.

Pre-production on the Avengers video game began in August 2010 at the Brisbane-based, THQ Studio Australia with approximately 80 employees working on it. During the first months of preliminary development, it was originally being planned as a third person game.

An Avengers movie – with Skrulls?

The Avengers - Cancelled Game Concept Art

When details of the project began to leak online in September 2011, there was a number of claims and rumors from various sites that the game was in some way connected to Marvel Studios’ Avengers movie, which was to be released the following year. Concept art was soon uncovered depicting the heroes facing down the Skrulls, an alien race from the Marvel comics. This lead some to believe that the upcoming film would also feature Skrulls, through the assumption that the game was directly tied into it. Jeremy Love, an artist who worked on the title for THQ was adamant that this was never the case:

“[It was] totally unrelated to the film. We were given early film art to use as reference for certain things but that’s about it.”

He continued, elaborating on possible sources of the confusion:

“Some toys were released before the film which were based on designs we had done for the game. People naturally jumped on that and drew their own conclusions. When the game was cancelled, some footage and art was leaked which also fueled speculation that the Skrull race would feature in the upcoming film.”

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Warspirits [N64 PSX – Cancelled]

Warspirits is a cancelled action game that was in development by Candle Light Studios for the Playstation and Nintendo 64. There are basically no official info about this project and sadly only few screenshots are archived in the gallery below, to preserve its existence. We can speculate that the game was cancelled because they were not able to find a publisher interested in it. If you have more info on this game, please let us know!

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Wario Land: Shake It Vs. Wario Land: Shake Dimension

<< More Unseen Changes

Article by: Gabrielwoj

Wario Land Shake It is the 5th installment of a Wario Land game, released in the console called Nintendo Wii in the year of 2008. Many miscellaneous stuff in the European version is different from the Latin America version, and also sometimes is different from Japanese version. Let’s check below!

You can always click on a image for enlarge his size

Europe/Latin America Vs. Japan versions

Here we can see a very simple difference between the Japanese version and on the other areas of the World. You can see in the Japanese version, the button if marked by “ON/OFF”, as in the other versions is it blank.

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Wario Land Shake It (Shake Dimension) [Wii – Beta / Unused]

Wario Land: Shake It (aka Wario Land: The Shake Dimension in Europe) is the 5th installment Wario Land Series of platfomr games, developed by Good-Feel and released for the Nintendo Wii in 2008. The gameplay consists most of shaking or flipping the Wii Remote to throw or manage objects. The game has only 6 worlds, but by searching into the game’s code, it was possible to find many stuff that weren’t used in the final version. Probably, Wario Land Shake It could have been be bigger, with more enemies and bosses.

There is a total of  7 Unused enemies. Most of them are completed with fluid animations, configurations and even some effects, while others are still incomplete. You can view the sprites rip by following the Link on the Video Description in the Youtube pages

Unused Enemy Nº1:

Comments by Gabrielwoj

This enemy is similar to the Bandineros, found in most of the stages in the game. This enemy isn’t near for it’s completion. Many sprites are missing, there are some incorrect pixels on the border, and there is many proportions problems.

Unused Enemy Nº2:

This enemy could appear in the sewer in the Mansion levels, or in the Cave levels. This is a very well done enemy. There are plenty of animations, functions, attacks. This enemy could be tough to beat if was used in the game.

Unused Enemy Nº3:

This enemy could appear in Desert levels, or the Train levels. This very well done enemy, could probably have an intelligent AI, probably would very similar to the Boo’s in the Mario Series, or the enemies in the Flying Ship from Super Mario Bros. 3.

Unused Enemy Nº4:

This is obvious that would appear in the Water levels. His animations are very strange, and it’s really unknown about it. So I ask myself, where are the pearls?

Unused Palette for the Scorpion enemy:

Unused Enemy/Boss Nº5:

Strange enough, this enemy would use models for it’s usage. There is also another recolor on the game files, but isn’t presented in video. As in the sprites, it could be a boss that comes from the background and tries to attack Wario, that is my theory.

Unused Enemy/Boss Nº6:

Donkey Kong Country Returns Beach boss probably got the idea from this unused boss. Simple, 3 enemies standing like a pillar, doing crazy stuff. As in Donkey Kong Country Returns, the same thing happens. This enemy has a LOT of animations, there is lots of details and configurations for it. But sadly, this was unused.

Unused Enemy Nº7:

Probably, this guy would be on the most craziest stages in the game. Probably, it would be really nuts jumps and platforms. Okay, heading back. This enemy would probably be a platform enemy, and if Wario stand too much above him, he probably could shrink.

Talking about Unused stuff, there are some objects that was unused in game.

Unused Barrel:

Just, a simple barrel.

Different Gold Bag

A beta version of the Big Gold Bag. There is no marked “G” on his front, just like the small ones.
Fun Fact: In the game box, the Wario is shaking a Big Gold Bag without the “G” mark.

Update: More Unused sprites

Unused Background

Unused Ball, is that would be like Chain Chomp Ball of Yoshi’s Island?

Unused Instruction – The Used one does point up, not directly

ScumFlower/BloomsDay gold pot. Probably would be a easteregg for complete the game 100%, but they might didn’t implemented.

Prototype map?

The file is “floatblock”, probably would be that boat mission (see below) that they didn’t used

Unused Strong Block crack (there is no way to crack this block)

Unused Shake Medal

Unused Shake Block 1

Unused Shake Block 2

Unused Pirate Shop entrance (Notice, this is like the model, I animated with some programs.) This probably would appear when you entered the Pirate Shop, would might be a quickly loading, but probably removed cause the Disc would take few seconds to load

Unused Mechanism Treasure (you probably would need a key, but there is no key in the folder)

Early Treasure Icons, there was also some nice shading effects

There also more unused stuff (and cut content) discovered in the game files. There are many unused missions in this game. Many of them, probably didn’t match with the levels, or other missions was already planned for that level. And a random mission icon shows a Cut Content from the game, analyzing the sprite, the game could have a Boat level. Let’s see the sprites below:

Detailing these:
– This is the only boss that don’t have his icon on the Mission icon.

– Cut Content

– The used coin missions have Gold and Silver coins. But for bronze, there is none

– Unknown

– Placeholder Image

And in the Menu files, there are many unused stuff. There are some menu sprites such as a “X”, is that would lost on a boss and never return? A opened Chest as a sprite? It surely was replaced to the Treasure icons.

And also, an incredible unused treasure (probably, there are more in the game files, you can get 95 treasures, and there are 100 in the game files)
(Alpha Image)

There is a beta thing in the game files. In the last boss battle, Wario would be in the Right Side, not in the Left Side (as in the Final version). The folder is probably used for the E3 conference, because it’s called “DemoWario”.

You can check more unseen differences in our article about Wario Land: Shake It Vs. Wario Land: Shake Dimension