New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Bit.Trip Series [WiiWare – Unused Stuff]

Bit.Trip is a series of action / music games that has been released on Wiiware download service for the Nintendo Wii. The series has been started in 2009 and finished in 2011. It was developed by Gaijin Games and published by Aksys Games. Each game revolves around the adventures of a character named “Commander Video”, and features “a crazy mix of 80s aesthetics and modern game design”. (Info from Wikipedia)

Six games have been released for Bit.Trip:

  • Bit.Trip Beat, first one of the series, which introduces a style of pong;
  • Bit.Trip Core, second one of the series, which introduces a style of more peculiar rhythm, similar of Dance Machines;
  • Bit.Trip Void, third one of the series, which introduces a different rhythm;
  • Bit.Trip Runner, fourth one of the series, introduces a new style, with 2D Platformer with rhythm;
  • Bit.Trip Fate, fifth one of the series, introduces a new style of side scroller shooting with rhythm;
  • Bit.Trip Flux, sixty one of the series, Gaijin games have returned the Bit.Trip Beat style.

Some of those games have unused stuff hidden in their code, such as animations and sound effects.

Bit.Trip Beat

There is a different game over screen in the first game of the serie. Later, it’s never have been used:

Bit.Trip Core

In Bit.Trip Core, there are still sprites for WiiRemote that appears in Bit.Trip Beat, probably the game could be different.


Bit.Trip Void

There is some testing stuff into the title screen folder. It’s really unknown about it:

BendIndirect BendTest

Bit.Trip Runner

There is a unused idle animation, which probably would be used if the player left controller. Maybe, just discovering this animation, the game could be a lot of different, it could probably a sidescroller which you could move manually, and if stops, it could appear this animation rarely. However, Bit.Trip series have the main goal of rhythm, so they retired the animation and did as automatic sidescroller game (probably).


Bit.Trip Fate
Originally planned to be a more traditional shooter where CommanderVideo was in a ship and he had free movement around the screen. The game also did not use pointer controls or the “fate line” until a later date.

Bit.Trip Flux
Started off using Breakout style gameplay during the normal course of the levels, but was cut because it simply wasn’t that fun. Bosses also used to be at the beginning of each level, reinforcing the reverse nature of the game, but that upset the pacing right away.

The whole serie:There is a sprite which appear in all the games, into the game files. Probably, it’s only used in Japanese Version:
Those sprites only appears on the Japanese version of the game:
Translation: BIT.TRIP VOID’s sytem file is corrupt.
After erasing BIT.TRIP VOID from the Channel Management Screen, please redownload BIT.TRIP VOID from the Wii Shopping Channel.
If you still get the same message afterwards, please contact the Nintendo Service Center.

BIT.TRIP CORE’s sytem file is corrupt.
After erasing BIT.TRIP CORE from the Channel Management Screen, please redownload BIT.TRIP CORE from the Wii Shopping Channel.
If you still get the same message afterwards, please contact the Nintendo Service Center.

Translation: BIT.TRIP RUNNER’s sytem file is corrupt.
After erasing BIT.TRIP RUNNER from the Channel Management Screen, please redownload BIT.TRIP RUNNER from the Wii Shopping Channel.
If you still get the same message afterwards, please contact the Nintendo Service Center.

Thanks to Gabrielwoj and Susumu (translation) for the contributors.

Sparkster [Genesis – Beta]

Sparkster is a platform game developed by Konami and released for Genesis in 1994. It is the sequel of the well-known Rocket Knight Adventures.

Below we can see some beta screenshots of the first and the second stage. In particular, originally the background of the wood section of the former was the sea and not the trees found in the final version. Sparkster’s portrait in the HUD was changed too.


Chex Quest 3 [PC – Cancelled]

A “Chex Quest 3” game was made by fans of the series who were disappointed that the third had been canceled. But, rather than make entirely new levels and graphics, they stole much of them from other mods (here you can download the stolen resource list), mostly from Hacx and STRAIN. This one was noticeably harder, and when it was discovered it was a fake, it was quickly discarded.
In 2008, ten years later, Charles ‘Chukker’ Jacobi, a former member of Digital Café, the makers of the original Chex Quest, created and released Chex Quest 3, including recreations of the original two episodes. Chex Quest 3 can be downloaded here.

Post by Elian


Kirby Air Ride [GC – Beta / Unused / Debug]

Kirby Air Ride is an Spin-off Kirby game developed by HAL laboratory for the Nintendo GameCube, which has been featured as the first racing game starring the pink-character that has been released. Kirby Air Ride was originally developed for the Nintendo64, but the Nintendo 64-bit version was postponed many times and then cancelled. The project seemed doomed, but Nintendo somehow resurrected it for the GameCube in 2003.

However, some Beta elements remains in some of the E3 Trailers, let see them below:

  • 0:14 ~ By a quickly look, you can see the arrow as RED color, but the Kirby is Pink;
  • 0:23 ~ In Checker Knights the graphics are little “non-detailed”;
  • 0:27 ~ When showing the HUD, it’s possible to see the map as 3D, on the final product, the map have been changed to 2D, such as a Sprite;
  • 0:27 ~ Plasma ability had an another icon (on the final version is different and it’s green) and his charge wasn’t tilt the control, it seems you would recharge such you recharge the machine, holding A;
  • 0;32 ~ Frozen Hillside was really different during the Beta;
  • 0:34 ~ The “Laps” was very bad specific, the lap counter was only a number at the top of the screen, it have been changed lately;
  • 0:34 ~ All the icons “1P-2P-3P-4P-CPU” was totally different, you can see them many on the videos, but you might only see the 2P on 0:34;
  • 0:42 ~ Inside the house on City Trial was totally pink, it was changed with more colors and objects in that house;
  • 0:44 ~ Rocket Star recharged much more faster in the Beta, in the Final version, it takes about 10 Seconds to recharged totally;
  • 0:49 ~ The volcano was totally solid with only one color, it was more detailed lately;
  • 0:49 ~ The Jumper platform was changed;
  • 0:59 ~ A lot of enemies doesn’t have shadow during the beta;
  • 1:05 ~ There is a mysterious flower in Checker Knights;
  • 1:09 ~ The Signs were removed;
  • 1:25 ~ Mike Ability seems to be uncompleted on the Beta Section;
  • Most of the stages have a minor differences: in Checker Knights, there wasn’t buttons at the end and some other stuff (such as other ways); at the desert, there wasn’t any slopes; and on other stages there was other minor differences too.
  • And here, an another trailer showing even more beta stuff:

  • 0:03 ~ The Start flag is really different;
  • 0:03 ~ The Red arrow have returned;
  • 0:17 ~ The 3D map again;
  • 0:25 ~ Look how different was the sign;
  • 0:27 ~ And look again, how different was the boost pad, there was a square with arrows, in the final version, it was much more detailed, there wasn’t a floor (square), and have more shading and etc;
  • 0:53 ~ Wheelie ability is slightly different;
  • 0:56 ~ Beta Plasma Ability as already show in the other trailer;
  • 1:02 ~ Enemies didn’t turned into dust in the Beta version, they just were fly up away;
  • 1:05 ~ In this part of the video, it’s possible to see again the uncompleted Mike ability;
  • 1:06 ~ The Spike ability had much more range;
  • 1:17 ~ This time, everyone have got Red arrows;
  • Some of the stages have little differences.
  • Hidden in the game’s code of Kirby Air Ride, there is a Debug Menu screen, which is really similar to the one in Super Smash Bros. Melee, with many features on it, such as:

  • Camera Debug
  • Item Spawner
  • Enemy Spawner
  • Game Modification
  • Effects Viewer
  • Debugging tools
  • and such others
  • I want to thanks Mack for discovering these!

    On the debug menu, we can see much unused stages and unused vehicles.


  • TEST: It just Crashes. Update:ConkerGuru discovered a way to access this stage by just disabling an option on the Debug Menu. Let’s watch the video below!
  • TEST6: Finishing Test (just a really long line)
  • TEST7: Gliding Test
  • SIMPLE: It just Crashes
  • SIMPLE2: General Arena testing, contains some unused stuff:
  • Health Bar on Air-ride mode
  • There is a flying block enemy, which probably was to be replaced
  • Other stuff
  • DUMMY: Just nothing [It’s just like Super Smash Bros. Melee)
  • Vehicles

  • WHEEL_NORMAL: A very old model of a wheelie vehicle
  • STAR_HANDLE: Used on Top-ride, but not on City Trial/Air-ride
  • STAR_FREE: Used on Top-ride, but not on City Trial/Air-ride
  • Another informations by Mack:

    RACE3DMODE> Goes into the 3d mode debug options (Stadium, City Trail and Air Ride)
    RACE3DMODE> Goes into Top Ride debug menu (insanely complicated menu in Japanese);
    OPTION MODE> Some options such as sound option;
    PAL MODE> Sets the language (PAL ONLY) to Europe ;
    CLEARCHECK> If enabled, all the check lists will be completed 100%;
    SOUND TEST> A menu will pop which will be sound test. You can listen to both music and SFX;
    RUMBLE TEST> Tests the rumble feature;
    MOVIE TEST> Displays a list of all the tutorials and “movies” in the game that can be watched. Altough CPU gameplays are not present.(also know as demo movies);
    MEMCARD TEST: A bunch of complicated options related to the memory card.;
    ENDING TEST> Show the 3 endings.;
    LAN EMULATE> Lan testing feature.;
    LAN MENU TEST> Displays the lan menu.;
    SYNC TEST> ???? Possibly a test for sync;

    There is a Topride debug menu, which seems to edit the whole game. It’s possible to change attributes, change gravity, change items, change the track collisions, change in general, and even saves. But for now, it’s a very complicated debug menu, and will be more researches about it later.

    The Sync test, as said in Mack’s commentary, is the same box as Sound Checker, but it’s unknown about it

    There is also a vehicle called “VS_DEDEDE” which means “Dedede Stadium Arena” is the same as “DEDEDE_BIKE” the bike that you use when you choose Dedede on a Match. But this Stadium Arena version is kinda different, with worst Max Speed and better Charge Speed.

    There is a effect menu that can be accessed on gameplay (of course with the Debug Menu). There is lots of effects on the vehicles, on the levels and even, on the Menu (don’t know how view them).

    Thanks to Mack, Gabrielwoj and ConkerGuru for the contributors!


    Unused Vehicles and Stages:

    TEST stage:

    General Debug Functions:

    Note: Mack asked me about upload the video on my profile, I gave all the credits to him, for make the video

    Enemy spawning: (all informations on the video)

    More Enemy Spawning:

    Tac and Meteo enemy usage:

    Effects Viewer:


    TopRide Debug Mode:

    VS_Dedede vehicle:

    Also not forgetting that the TopRide Debug Menu is very complex, this menu even was need a Save File for Debug into the game:


    Savannah [Xbox 360 – Prototype]

    Savannah was one of various prototypes in development at Rare Ltd. during 2006/2007. As the project remained in prototype stage and was not greenlit, only few elements were set in stone, but it could have been some sort of nature simulator, more than a realistic Viva Pinata. Sadly we don’t know exactly for which kind of gameplay these models could have been planned to, and sadly we’ll probably never know, as the project was lost forever in one of many Rare’s internal restructures. Only few images and animations remains to preserve the existence of this project.

    In an interview with a former Rare employee by Emily Rogers on Not Enough Shaders we can read some more info on Savannah:

    “Savannah” was the brain child of Phil Dunne. Phil’s concept was to create a realistic savannah environment where you raised a lion cub from birth to its adult life, teaching it survival and social skills to survive the harsh life in the wild. We knew of the Kinect coming out but we had no real info on how good it was, but the plan was to try and use that technology in “Savannah”.

    It was an interesting concept and it was fun to work on, we really tried to push the technology of the 360 to get the most out of the graphics.  The lions and Hyenas were using a custom shell system for the fur, and with the help of a great programmer called Cliff Ramshaw, I think we got some of the nicest looking in-game fur I’ve seen.

    It was only ever a prototype, and it never got a green light.

    Thanks to Otrant for the contribution!


    Animations Videos: