New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Gothic [PC – Beta]

Gothic is an action RPG developed by Piranha Bytes and released in 2001 for PC. As we can read on Wikipedia, the team worked more than 4 years on the development of Gothic’s technology and some screenshots from an early beta version with much more blocky polygon models and fewer details were found by derboo in Power Play magazine issues 5 & 9 / 1998 and issue 5 / 1999. Check the gallery below to see the beta screens and compare them to the video from the final version!
Also, LOTS of info and screens can be found in this topic @ World of Gothic.


Video (from the alpha version):

Video (from the final version):

Resident Evil Portable [PSP – Cancelled?]

Resident Evil Portable was announced by Capcom at E3 2009 for Sony’s PSP and was going to be slated for release sometime in 2010.

“Were pleased to announce that resident evil will be coming to PSP and a whole new game designed specifically for the PSP platform.”

After E3 2009 no new information was released; however at E3 2010 Capcom announced Resident Evil Revelations for Nintendo’s 3DS. During E3 2010, Resident Evil portable wasn’t mentioned or shown during the event.

After E3 2010, theories were made that Resident evil portable was probably cancelled and my have  evolved into Resident Evil Revelations. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, however I’d like to point out that resident evil Portable hasn’t been officially cancelled, but Capcom seems to be more concentrated on promoting and developing resident evil Revelations.

There are no screenshots of Resident Evil Portable and no official information as to what the game was going to be about.


Grease & Grudge (Road Race) [3DO – Tech Demo]

Grease & Grudge (also known as Road Race) is a tech demo for a new racing game that was developed for the Panasonic 3DO, but they never released a title like that for the console. It is possible that this tech demo evolved somehow into Need for Speed, but for now it’s just a speculation. If you have more info about this demo, please let us know! Scans from Edge magazine 1 and 3.

Thanks to Pcloadletter and Celine for the contributions!


S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl [PC – Beta / Alpha]

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a FPS developed by the Ukrainian developer GSC Game World, published for PC in 2007. As we can read in Wikipedia, the game was first announced in November 2001 as “S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Oblivion Lost” and had its release date, originally in 2003, pushed back several times. Meanwhile hundreds of screenshots of the game had been released, as well as a dozen preview video clips, due to years of delays some considered S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to be vaporware.

In late December 2003, a pre-alpha build of the game was leaked to peer-to-peer file sharing networks. This build, marked as version 1096, inadvertently acted as a fully-functional tech demo of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.’s engine, despite its lack of NPC enemies and fauna.

At the end of February 2009, due to popular demand GSC Game World released “xrCore” beta build 1935, dated October 18, 2004. It uses a completely different physics engine with many cut monsters, levels, and vehicles. It was also significantly larger than the retail release. It is however somewhat unstable, but features the full game along with a “fully functional ALife system”. It is currently available for free download from the GSC servers and mirrors. Also, oldest leaked builds of the game can be found in here.

Below you can see many videos from STALKER’s prototypes, alpha and betas. More videos and links can be found in the STALKER beta topic in our U64 Forum. Thanks to Megalol for the contribution!


ICO [PS2 – Beta / Concept]

ICO is an action adventure game that was developed by Sony / Team ICO for the Playstation 2. ICO was originally planned for the PlayStation 1, but after two years of development, the team ran into limitations on the PSX hardware and faced a critical choice: either terminate the project altogether or to restart it on the PS2.

An interim design of the game shows Ico and Yorda facing horned warriors similar to those that take Ico to the castle. The game originally focused on Ico’s attempt to return Yorda to her room in the castle after she was kidnapped by these warriors. Ueda believed this version had too much detail for the graphics engine they had developed on the PSX, and replaced the warriors with the shadow creatures. [Info from Wikipedia]

From early beta screens and videos, we can notice that Yorda had a different design and there were some huge shadows enemies, removed from the final version. If you can notice more differences in the screens and concept arts below, please let us know!

Yorda beta:

Yorda final:


Video from the PSX Version: