New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Pinky [GEN MD GG – Cancelled]

Pinky is a platform game developed by Data Design Systems and published by Millenium for Amiga in 1995. Tengen was supposed to publish the Genesis / Mega Drive and Game Gear versions in 1994 but , as far as we know, they never did. Probably because in 1995 the market for those Sega platforms was dying and cartridge based business was very risky. A couple of articles were found in old Sega Pro magazines by Rod_Wod.


This is Vegas [X360 PS3 – Cancelled]

This is Vegas is an action / sandbox game that was in development for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 since 2006 / 2007  by Midway Games / Surreal Software, but sadly it seems that the game was cancelled in fall / late 2009.  Due to Midway’s financial troubles in 2009 the company sold certain assets to Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment which included This is Vegas and developer Surreal Software. SS then worked on some animations and characters for Snowblind’s LotR: War in the North. In December/January 2010 there were some layoffs and departures and in June 2010 the studio was closed down. 4 years of work on This is Vegas went directly into the bin.

Here is an introduction to This is Vegas’ story from an old Gamespot preview:

The game’s story follows you, an unnamed nobody, as you arrive in Vegas with 50 dollars in your pocket and hazy goals. As luck would have it, you’ll cross paths with Joey Nissan, a local “entrepreneur” who winds up working to get you in with the Vegas crowd. From the sound of it, this bit in the game will be your license to be decadent as you play. Of course, all good things don’t last forever, and soon you meet your nemesis: Preston Boyer, a fast food tycoon bent on cleaning up Vegas to be a family-friendly tourist trap. This doesn’t exactly fly far with you and your new crowd, so your goal will be to stop Boyer and preserve the town’s special atmosphere.



D-Jump! [N64 Dreamcast PS2 PC – Cancelled]

D-Jump is a cancelled platform / action game that was in development in 1997 / 1998 by Ubisoft Paris, planned to be released for the “next gen consoles” Dreamcast and Playstation 2, and also PC. It seems that the project was canned after 1 year and half of development, but there are just few info available. Derboo was able to find an article about D-Jump! in PowerPlay magazine issue 8/1998, in which we can see a couple of target renders. As we can read at IGN:

Starring a nimble “Rastafarian” lead character, D-Jump! blends action and platforming elements with a storyline based on time travel. Players must traverse several time periods to unlock the mystery of why their character is slowly turning into wood. Originally scheduled for release as a launch title for the PlayStation 2, D-Jump was later cancelled for unknown reasons.

For more information read this Gamespot article.

Thanks to derboo, Jorge and Isatis_Angel for the scans and to Nattie for her help in preserving more screens from their lost game!

One of the below scan is from Games Republic issue3.


Seems that while the main development version was for PC, initially the game could have been also planned for N64.
A preview with more real-time screenshots are in fact found in GamePlay 64 issue 9.
I’ve added to the gallery a couple real-time screenshots that show the game in a much late state of development with the bright and cartoony style (and some other renders/concept arts).
Additionally I’ve added a brief trailer below.



Chalice [DS – Cancelled]

Chalice is a cancelled shoot ’em up that was in development in 2008 for the Nintendo DS by Santa Cruz Games. The team created a playable prototype, but it seems that they were not able to find a publisher interested in this project, so it had to be canned. Chalice had a graphic style that could somehow remind of REZ for the Dreamcast, but it was played as a 2D side-scroller shooter.

Thanks to SCI for the contribution!


Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler´s Green [PC XBOX – Beta]

Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler´s Green is a FPS create by brainbox and published by groove games, its a prequel to the movie Land of the Dead, the game was announced shortly after City of the Dead was cancelled. Few differences can be seen in these beta screenshots:

Jack was originally using gloves

A removed objective “find another gun in the barn” and beta zombie

beta zombies

final zombies

I don´t remember this level

Dot turns red when you aim at the zombie

possibly early police department level

in the trailer you can see jack gloves, and instead of the “stranger” model zombie take the hammer and break the wall, the human model of doctor breaks, rather than using the zombie version.

Thanks to Vicente for the contribution!
