New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Super Dog Booby: Akachan Daibouken no Maki [NES – Cancelled]

Super Dog Booby: Akachan Daibouken no Maki (translated by mrdomino as Super Dog Booby: Baby Adventure Volume), is a cancelled platform / action game that was in development in 1990 / 1991 by Jaleco / Taito for the Famicom / NES. Some scans and info were posted in a japanese website, from which it seems that the game was also shown in a playable form at a gaming event in 1991 and it was also offered as a prize in a contest by a japanese magazine. In the end Super Dog Booby was never released for unknown reasons.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Fate / Extra [PSP – Beta]

As we can read on Wikipedia, Fate/Extra is a Japanese dungeon RPG developed by Type-Moon and Image Epoch, published by Marvelous Entertainment for the PSP in July 2010. The game takes place in a parallel universe to the visual novel Fate/stay night. The game’s battle system is comparable to rock-paper-scissors — “Attack” overpowers “Break”, Break overpowers “Guard”, and Guard overpowers Attack. During battle, both the player and the opponent line up six such moves at the beginning of each turn.

Megalol noticed many differences in the beta screenshots:







Beta portrait of an unknown character (in the final version shows only subtitles):

Beta strange screenshot (another menu of “battle commands”):



Beta Day Result:









Beta game menu! many options that are not in the final version.

Final menu:

Arena hacking? Not in the final game:

Beta church location:

Final church location:


U64 is YOUR site: edit pages and add more games, like in Wikipedia (almost)

From many years we are collecting info, screens and video in the Unseen 64 archive, to try to preserve the changes and the cuts in our loved videogames. A lot of contributors help us everyday, sending more info, more screens and more videos to add to the U64 archive. We are happy, really happy, but we dont have enough time for all this stuff! Should we just close the site? Should we wait for months before a new update?

So, here’s an idea. From today, if you want to edit a page or to add a new game in the Unseen 64 archive.. you’ll be able to do it by yourself! In this way it should be faster for everyone, and your contributions will be added to the site in a few days, instead than to wait for 3 or 4 months before monokoma can have enough free time to organize them.

This new feature should work a bit like Wikipedia.

1) If you want to create a page for a new beta / cancelled game that is still missing from the U64 Archive, go to and write your new article in there, with HTML codes for the images and youtube videos.

2) If you want to edit an existing page, under every post you will find a blue “Edit” link:

From there, you should be able to add more text, new images (not directly in the Images Gallery for now) or Youtube videos, writing / pasting them in the HTML field.

Keep in mind that every new page and edit will be reviewed by the U64 Staff before being published! So don’t worry, you will not find Zelda-Yaoi-Porn in the beta-galleries (maybe).

This new Wiki-Alike feature is still in early testing, so let us know what you think about it! There are some bugs, but we’ll work to fix them with your help :)

Thanks for all your support!

Velocity [PSX SATURN – Cancelled]

Velocity is a cancelled SciFi action game that was in development by Cave Logic Studios and PF Magic for the original Playstation and Saturn. It seems that the game was never officially announced so there are not many info about its gameplay or story, but thanks to an interview with Kevin Seghetti (former Cave Logic programmer) by GDRI, we can learn more about this lost project:

After Ballz, Cave Logic worked with PF.Magic on a 3D game originally for the Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn called Velocity. For many reasons, that project took several years and was eventually canceled. Cave Logic became Recombinant Limited, and we used the same 3D engine (which we called World Foundry) to start on a project for MGM Interactive called Cyberthug. But a few months into that, MGM Interactive was canceled by MGM, so that game didn’t get finished, either. By that time, I had about had it with the game industry, so [I] went and got a programming job doing embedded control systems instead (and never looked back).

Some screenshot were shared online on Source Forge. Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Stunt Squad (Airblade) [PS2 – Beta]

Stunt Squad was the original title for AirBlade, a futuristic extreme sports game developed by Criterion Games and published in november 2001 by Namco for the Playstation 2, as a spiritual successor to the Dreamcast game Trickstyle.  Pcloadletter found some beta images from the game in Edge 86 (July 2000), in whic Stunt Squad / Airblade looked a lot different from the final version.

Airblade Beta:

Airblade Final:

Thanks to pcloadletter for the contribution!
