New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

2 e 3 Ottobre 2010: Video Games History a Monza (Italy)

This article is only in Italian, sorry!

Questo weekend, sabato 2 e domenica 3 ottobre 201o si terrà il Video Games History a Monza, esposizione videoludica (con ingresso gratuito!) organizzata dai ragazzi di Games Collection. Fra retrogames, tornei multiplayer per le ultime console, video storici e pubblicità d’epoca (ocio però!), incontri fra nerd e discussioni filosofiche, un’area-museo dedicata a tutti gli amanti di unseen games: alcuni prototipi e beta provenienti dalle raccolte private dei maggiori collezionisti italiani.

Anche quest’anno parte dello staff di Unseen 64 sarà presente all’evento, per infastidire i collezionisti cercando di recuperare video dei loro prototipi, perdersi per ore a parlare della beta di Zelda 64, esplodere a ripetizione nel torneo di Bomberman Live e tentare di presentare un breve documentario sui migliori videogames cancellati dal NES all’Xbox 360. Ce la faranno i nostri eroi?

Per accordi sul meeting dello staff e dei lettori di U64, potete lasciare un messaggio di commento a questo post oppure mandarci una email a [email protected]

Per maggiori informazioni sull’evento date un’occhiata alla pagina dedicata al VGH 2010 su Games Collection.

Il VGH 2010 si svolgerà presso l’URBAN CENTER di MONZA, Via Filippo Turati 8 (a due passi dalla stazione dei treni) nei giorni di sabato 2 ottobre dalle ore 10.00 alle 19.00 e domenica 3 ottobre della ore 9.30 alle 18.00. Ecco il luogo dell’evento su Google Maps.

Sabato 2 ottobre:

  • ore 10.00 apertura evento e Negozi videogames, Action Figures e fumetti.
  • ore 11.00 e seguenti inizio tornei Fifa 11 1 vs 1 e Multiplayer. In più tornei vari con i ragazzi di Arcade Extreme e Jagfest
  • ore 12.00 visite guidate al Museo
  • ore 15.00 conferenza sul tema: “Gli albori dell’ideazione e produzione di videogiochi in Italia”
  • ore 18.00 premiazione tornei
  • ore 19.30 AFTER-PARTY con bitmusic, chiptune e VJ Visualoop

Domenica 3 ottobre:

  • ore 9.30 apertura evento e Negozi videogames, Action Figures e fumetti.
  • ore 11.00 e seguenti inizio tornei Street Fighter IV e tornei vari (in fase di decisione)*
  • ore 12.00 inizio Primo Campionato Italiano di Pong
  • ore 14.45 conferenza sul tema: “La preservazione del passato videoludico e i suoi protagonisti”
  • ore 15.30 presentazione dei pezzi più rari e particolari esposti
  • ore 17.30 premiazioni tornei
  • ore 18.00 chiusura e ringraziamenti


Ecco alcuni video fatti durante il Video Games History degli scorsi anni:

Advent Rising [XBOX PC – Beta / Unused]

Advent Rising is a science fiction action adventure developed by GlyphX Games and published by Majesco for Xbox and PC in 2005. As we can read on Wikipedia, Advent Rising was the first in a planned trilogy which also saw the development of Advent Rising PSP, a side story that took place at the same time as the first game. However, the first game’s retail performance fell short of expectations. By the end of 2005, Majesco Entertainment had completely revised its business plan and canceled plans for future Advent Rising games. Advent Rising was an ambitious project, but even the only released chapter was cut and changed before the final version.

Greg was able to find a lot of unused content in Advent Rising that is still accessible through the PC version’s console. This includes content that was promised in trailers, E3 demos, and the like, but cut for various reasons. Much of the content still exists in partially usable form once you spawn it into the game. Read more

[New Staffer] Franklint joins the U64 Staff!


The U64 army is still growing and more beta-lovers would like to share their time and will to improve this little archive of games that we’ll never be able to play.  You know, with more people in the U64 Staff, it’s possible to preserve more unseen games.. or at least trying to. Today we are happy to welcome Franklint in the U64 Staff! He already helped us a lot with his articles for beta Banjo Tooie, Spyral Saga, Spinny and Spike, Savage Heroes and many more..  now he’s officially one of us :) Good luck Franklint!

Killzone (Kin) [PSX PS2 – Beta / Target Render]

Killzone is a FPS developed by Guerrilla Games (known as Lost Boys before) and released in 2004 for the PlayStation 2. It seems that the project was originally planned to be a Playstation 1 shooter titled “Kin”, but after Sony saw their tech demo in 1999, they asked to Guerrilla to switch it to the new console. Below you can see the original Kin / Killzone pitch video, that Lost Boys created 5 years before the final release. This footage was shown at the GDC Europe in August 2010 during a keynote by Hermen Hulst, Managing Director of Guerilla Games. As you can notice, the game and the characters looked a lot different, but we are not sure if the video was still related to the PSX project or it was already changed into a PS2 title.

Thanks to Unclejun for the video (from the Killzone Collector’s Edition) and to Killzone for the link to the GDC Europe article!



Mortal Kombat: Fire & Ice (Shaolin Monks 2) [XBOX 360 – Cancelled]

Mortal Kombat: Fire & Ice is the cancelled sequel to Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, that was in development from late 2005 till early 2006 by Paradox (later renamed Midway Studios Los Angeles). A prototype was created for the Xbox 360, to test their new “next generation” graphic engine, but soon the project had to be canned, as revealed by Ed Boon to Game Informer:

“When they finished [Shaolin Monks], the guys at Paradox were gonna do another one called Fire & Ice. It was gonna be a co-operative Scorpion and Sub-Zero game,” Boon said. “They actually started the early stages of that game, but they couldn’t do it in time and under budget, so the project was canceled and kind of went away.”

Also, in august 2009 The Realm of Mortal Kombat fansite was able to get in contact with a former Paradox developer, that shared some more info and a level design concept for Shaolin Monks 2:

It was canceled within a few weeks of my arriving at Midway. I don’t have anything else to show you unfortunately. Half the studio was laid off, and new management was brought in. Then we started work on TNA Wrestling.

A prototype level was built, but that was it. A few design docs were worked on, and a few characters were made in 3D – Scorpion and Subzero. The game was codenamed Fire & Ice – as those two characters were to be the main characters. I was really looking forward to doing level design and construction for it. It was a shame it was canceled.

In 2008 Midway Studios Los Angeles was relocated and merged with Midway’s San Diego office and their last game was TNA iMPACT!

Thanks to MKFan for the contribution!
