New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Primal Rage 2 [Arcade – Cancelled]

Primal Rage 2 is a cancelled fighting game that was in development in 1995 / 1996 by Atari for the Arcades. As we can read on Wikipedia, the game was to feature new characters that took on the form of humans and were called the Avatars, instead of the beasts / dinosaurs of the first title. During the development something went wrong and in the end Primal Rage 2 was never released. It’s currently unknown how much of the game was finished before the cancellation.

As it should be well known, this game has been leaked online. Although, it is currently unplayable.

Thanks to kieranmay for the contribution!



Room [PSP – Cancelled]

Room is a cancelled 3D Social Network that was developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan for the PSP Network. The service was similar to the PlayStation 3’s service, PlayStation Home. Room was first announced at TGS 2009 and closed beta test occurred from October 2009 up to April 15, 2010. Selected PSP owners received an invitation and more details to participate in the closed beta test

Development of the service halted on April 15, 2010 due to the feedback from the community. SCE Japan thanked those who participated in the beta testing for their feedback. [Info from Wikipedia]



Ultimate Brain Games [Jaguar – Cancelled]

Ultimate Brain Games is a cancelled collection of board games (as chess) that was in development by CrazyAce for the Jaguar. It seems that the project was canned in early development and only an alpha video was shared by viMasterJag on his Youtube Channel. As we can read from the video description:

I would have to call this an Alpha release. I don’t know exactly what the developer would classify it as, but that’s my take on the situation. This is Ultimate Brain Games, an unreleased product for the Atari Jaguar. It was never produced commercially, nor was it ever finished, I don’t think. We’re lucky to have its developer, CrazyAce, provide us with a playable version, though.

Thanks to Adam for the contribution!


Citizen X [Sega CD – Cancelled]

Citizen X is a cancelled side-scrolling action game, made by Digital Pictures, which was supposed to be released for the Sega Mega Cd in 1993. Like many other titles for the ill-fated add-on, it featured many clumsy FMV cutscenes. The gameplay was even less exciting, because of the very limited moveset available for the main character and the repetitive locations. An almost complete beta of Citizen, missing just one of the videos, was commercially distribuited by Good Deal Games in 2002.



After Burner [X360 – Concept]

In 2005 Juice Games had an idea to develope a “next gen” Flight simulator / Shooter, probably for the soon-to-be released Xbox 360. To easily find a publisher and funds they tried to pitch their flight project to Sega, as new game in the After Burner series,  but without any success. As the After Burner pitch was unsuccessful, Juice Games decided to use an original IP for their Flight Shooter and the project became Stormbirds for the Xbox 360 and PS3. In the end Stormbirds was canned by THQ, Juice Games’ publisher.

Only few concept arts remain to preserve the existence of this project.

Thanks to Hey Hey for the contribution!
