New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Killing Pablo Escobar [X360 PS3 – Prototype]

Pablo Escobar was a real Colombian drug lord that gained world infamy from the drug trade:  two major feature films on his life, Escobar and Killing Pablo, were announced in 2007 and in the same year Deadline Games started to work on a prototype to create a licence game based on the films, with the title “Killing Pablo Escobar”. The project was planned to be released on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

Killing Pablo Escobar was going to follow the true story of how Pablo Escobar was killed and his Medellín cocaine cartel dismantled by US special forces and intelligence, the Colombian military, and a vigilante gang called Los Pepes, controlled by the Cali cartel.

The gameplay could have been similar to other Deadline Games’ titles as Total Overdose (an open world / sandbox action game) but with a more realistic feel and team squad cooperation. After some time and a playable prototype, Killing Pablo Escobar’s development had to be halted because of lack of resources.

On May 2009, Deadline Games filed for bankruptcy, only a few months after releasing Watchmen: The End Is Nigh. The company has previously been reported to have been struggling to find new projects and publishers for their games. Shadow Hunter, Faith and a .45, Killing Pablo Escobar and Total Overdose 2: Tequila Gunrise vanished with the closure of the studio.

Thanks a lot to Jan Ditlev for the help in preserving his artworks created for this project! Some more images are from Carsten Brandt‘s website. All illustrations are copyrighted Deadline Games.


MegaMan Battle Network debug stuff!

The Mega Man Battle Network series is one of Capcom’s Mega Man spin-off series that debuted in 2001 on the Game Boy Advance. MegaRockReborn was able to find some debug controls in  Megaman Battle Network #3, #4, #5 and #6 that are basically text messages that activate cheat-like effects (as changing the sprite of the main character or gain various items). You can see these debug messages in the videos below or in MegaRockReborn‘s Youtube Channel!

Shadow Hunter [X360 PS3 – Concept]

Shadow Hunter was a pitch project created by Deadline Games in 2009, probably planned to be developed for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. We dont have much details on its gameplay, but from the look of the concept arts, we can speculate that it was going to be a sandbox action game, in which the player had to hunt down huge shadow demons in a post-apocalyptic city, using psychic powers and an energy sword + shield. From the sound of it, Shadow Hunter could have been played somehow like a mix of Shadow of the Colossus and Prototype.

Sadly On May 2009, Deadline Games filed for bankruptcy and had to close down, only a few months after releasing Watchmen: The End Is Nigh. The company has previously been reported to have been struggling to find new projects and publishers for their games. Shadow Hunter, Faith and a .45,  Killing Pablo Escobar and Total Overdose 2: Tequila Gunrise vanished with the closure of the studio.

Thanks a lot to Jonas Springborg and Jan Ditlev for the help in preserving their artworks created for this project! All illustrations are copyrighted Deadline Games.


Perfect Dark Beta Analysis: now translated!

The original Perfect Dark is a FPS developed by Rare and released for the Nintendo 64 in 2000. In 2001, monokoma wrote a long article about all the beta differences that can be noticed in the early screens and videos. That article was only in italian, but now with the recent release of Perfect Dark Remake for the Xbox Live Arcade, we finally decided to translate the Perfect Dark Beta Analysis in english, thanks to DCodes7! >> Read the full article

Mountain Sports [SNES – Cancelled]

Mountain Sports (also known as Rocky Mountain Sports) is a cancelled action / sport game that was in development by DTMC for the Super Nintendo, in 1993. The player would have been able to try different activities as mountain climing, kayaking and ATV racing. It’s currently unknown how the game would have progressed or why it was cancelled. You can read some more info at SNES Central! A screenshot of the game was found in Banzzai magazine issue 14.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!

