New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Radio Flyer [SNES – Cancelled]

Radio Flyer is a cancelled flying game that was in development by Ocean in 1992 for the Super Nintendo. It seems that the project was based on the film with the same name from Columbia Pictures, in which 2 young brothers escape their chaotic family life with dreams of flying. Inspired by a local legend, they attempt to build a working airplane from their ordinary red wagon.

Celine was able to find a couple fo screenshot from the game in Console Mania #13 (an italian magazine), PlayerOne #23 and EGM #25. Looking at those we can speculate that Radio Flyer could have been somehow similar to Pilot Wings SNES. The project was canned for unknown reasons but as Evan G from SNES Central has wrote, it could be because the movie was a flop / sucked.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Ambrosia Odyssey [PS2 – Cancelled]

Ambrosia Odyssey is a cancelled Action RPG with online multiplayer that was in development for the Playstation 2 in 2003 by Rocket Studio with help from KAI Graphics (for CG movies) and Supersweep (for music), meant to be published by Square Enix. The game had a multiple branching storyline  in offline mode, in which you were able to create towns and foster their development to follow different plots, then connect online to share your game world with other players and visit their own towns and stories.

A video of the game was shown at the Tokyo Game Show 2003, but it only has some characters creation footage, blurred combats and a pre-rendered FMV (thanks a lot to CRC for preserving this video!).

An online beta testing was planned for spring 2004 (?), but we are not sure if it really happened before the cancellation. Ambrosia Odyssey was soon removed from Square Enix release list, maybe because of the popularity of their other online game, Final Fantasy XI.

Thanks to Userdante for the contribution!



Monster Hunter [MD/G – Cancelled]

The Menacer is a wireless lightgun created by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis in 1992, as a response to the Super Scope by Nintendo. Sega and third-party developers did not develop many games for the Menacer and one of these projects, know as “Monster Hunter”, was cancelled before being finished.

In Monster Hunter the story involves the player as a premier big game hunter, in search of the ultimate catch. The scenarios range from safari lands to exotic ranges not from our world

There are not many info or media remained for this game, but Celine was able to find a screenshot of MH in EGM #51.



Red Dead Revolver [Beta – PS2, XBOX]

Red Dead Revolver is a western third-person shooter published by Rockstar Games and developed by Angel Studios, a team that is now known as Rockstar San Diego. The game was released in May 2004, for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, but its development begun 3 years before (2001 / 2002) and the project was originally meant to be published by Capcom.

In 2002, Angel Studios were acquired by Take Two Interactive and Rockstar Games purchased the rights of the title and expanded on it. The original version of Red Dead Revolver had a more arcadish and fast gameplay, while the final one had a more “open world realistic” approach. The “Angel Studios Version” was played more like an “on rails” shooter (but with free movements), instead the “Rockastar San Diego Version” is more like an action adventure.

Chek the trailers below for a comparison. If you played the game and can help us to notice more differences, it would be appreciated!

Thanks to BemaniAK for the contribution!


Beta Videos:

Here’s the final version of the game for comparison: