New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

[Update] New screens, info and videos in the U64 Archive


In the last couple of months we have added some screens, videos or info in these Unseen Archives: Akolyte [Dreamcast], ClayFighter Extreme (63 1/3), Demonik [X360], Dinosaur Planet [Nintendo 64], Dreams to Reality [PSX/PC], Earthworm Jim 3D [N64, PC], Extreme G [N64], Final Fantasy 7 [PSX], Freak Boy [N64], Titan / Halo MMO [X360/PC], Kore Gang [XBOX], Dorque & Imp [SNES], Eight Days [PS3], EXO [PS2], Loose Cannon [XBOX], Totems [X360/PC], Lobo [SNES/Genesis], The Fixer [PS3], Full Throttle: Hell on Wheels [PS2], Extreme Force [XBOX/PS2], Crash Bandicoot [PSX], Resident Evil [PSX], Earthbound [SNES], Soul Reaver [PSX], Bound High [VB], Shadow of the Colossus [PS2], Erik The Wiking [NES], Onimusha [PSX], Bioshock, Turok [N64], F5’s Superman [X360/PS3], Lost Mantis / USS Antarctica [PS2], Bonk RPG, Lamborghini [XBOX], Megaman X, Steven Seagal [SNES], Flashback Legends [GBA], Dinosaur Planet [N64], Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness [PS2], Metroid Prime [GC], Sam & Max Freelance Police, Kameo [XBOX], Sonic Adventure [DC], Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, X-Men [32X], Earthworm Jim [SNES/Genesis], Enclave 2 [XBOX], Agent 9 [PS2], Final Fantasy Fortress [X360/PS3], Halo 2, Highlander: The Gathering [PC], Final Fantasy 7, Killer Instinct, The King of Fighters XII, Mario Kart 64, Banjo Kazooie, Metroid Zero Mission [GBA], Career Criminal [X360/PS3], Saboteur [PSX], MSR [Dreamcast] & Wild 9 [PSX]!

Galidor [PS2, GameCube, PC – Beta]

Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension, also known simply as Galidor, is a show that ran on Fox Kids in 2002 with a total of 26 half-hour episodes. The show is centered around the journey of Nicholas Bluetooth, a 15 year old whose life is turned upside-down after receiving a strange floating alien map over his bed on the eve of his 15th birthday. [Info from Wikipedia]

In 2003 Asylum Entertainment developed and released (published by Electronic Arts for PC (and GBA) only) a platform / action game game based on the Galidor show. The early version of the main character was different from the one that was later used in the final game and even the hud was changed.

Whilst the PC and GBA versions were released, the PS2 version, as well as a GameCube release were cancelled, which was unfortunately due to financial problems.

Thanks to Celine and Vitas Varnas for the contribution!

Beta Version:


Final Version:



Objective Force: Commander [XBOX – Cancelled]

Objective Force: Commander is a cancelled action / car combat game that was in development by Dynamic Animations Systems in 2002, for the original XBOX.  The game was shown in playable form at E3 2002, but later it vanished from the release list, maybe because they never found a publisher interested in the project. Objective Force: Commander was set in the near future, following the missions of a group of Texas rebels against an evil mega conglomerate energy company. The player would have been able to command an entire squad of tanks in real time, by issuing orders to friendly team AI to complete the game’s missions and win over the other teams. Single player mode, multiplayer VS and coop modes of play (including Xbox Live) were planned.



U64 is back!


Sorry for the delay, the site had some problems in the last week, because of too many visitors. Our old, cheap server was not enough, so we had to find a better (but more expensive) one. Now the site should be back in full, it could be a bit slow at the moment, but we hope that this time the U64 Archive can be able to keep up with the increasing traffic. Let us know if you find some bugs or problems!

All the articles scheduled for the last week were posted while the site was offline, so you can check all the unseen games that you missed in these few days :) Thanks for your support as always!

With love, the U64 Staff <3