New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Dead to Rights 2: Hell to Pay [PS2 / XBOX / PC – Beta]

Dead to Rights 2: Hell to Pay was originally planned as the direct sequel to Dead to Rights, continuing Jack Slate’s relentless fight against crime. However, Namco Japan’s abrupt shift toward outsourcing first-party titles to external developers led to its unfortunate cancellation. In its place, Namco Hometek brought in WideScreen Games to develop a completely different version of Dead to Rights 2, one that bore little resemblance to the ambitious sequel that was once in the works.

The impact was severe. Gameplay had to be scaled back, the story was rewritten—twice—and core mechanics that were meant to elevate Dead to Rights 2 were heavily downgraded to meet tight deadlines.

Initially, Hell to Pay was meant to follow Jack Slate and his loyal companion, Shadow, as they dove headfirst into a dangerous conspiracy to save Jack’s friend, Preacher Man Jones. As revealed in Game Informer’s November 2003 issue, this version promised a darker, more intense experience. But by the time Dead to Rights 2 resurfaced at E3 2004, something had changed. Jack was no longer on a mission to save his friend. Instead, the narrative mysteriously shifted to protecting a mysterious—possibly blonde—girl. His overall look was also altered.

Then, as the game neared completion, Dead to Rights 2 was no longer planned as a sequel. Instead, the game was rebranded as a prequel. Evidence of its troubled development was everywhere—unfinished combat animations, stripped-down mechanics, and missing environmental effects, all signs that Dead to Rights 2 had suffered from a troubled development cycle.

In the comments, Vincent was right to spot that Dead to Rights: Reckoning was, in essence, the remnants of Dead to Rights 2: Hell to Pay. It was Namco Hometek’s final attempt to salvage the original sequel’s concept and give players a glimpse of what could have been. Unfortunately, the effort fell short. Only fragments of the original vision made it into the game, while the rest was lost to time.

Below, you’ll find full images from the original Dead to Rights 2: Hell to Pay alongside those from the E3 2004 version shown separately, allowing you to see firsthand how the game evolved—and how much it changed—throughout development. A documentary video was also made to show you what went behind the scenes of the game’s development.

Thanks to Vicente and Evan Hanley for the contribution!

Edit: 9/2/2025

Images of the original Dead to Rights 2: Hell to Pay:

Dead to Rights 2: Hell to Pay (E3 2004):


The Next Big Thing [Wii – Cancelled]

The Next Big Thing, also know as “No Limits Racing” is a cancelled Wii game, that was in development by Pandemic Studios Brisbane in 2008 / 2009. The gameplay was a mix between a racing game, a party game and a sandbox game, in which the player would have been able to race in a parody of L.A. streets, to jump on building rooftops, to fly in elicopters to collect items, to make crazy stunts and to raise more NPC “fans”. In July 2009, AustralianGamer released a video of the game in their YT channel.

The project was canned when Brisbane studio was closed down after being dropped by EA. As we can read on Tsumea:

Reports have come in confirming that the remaining employees at Pandemic Studios Brisbane have been let go after losing their bid in getting publisher interest for their Wii game called “The Next Big Thing” in the hope of finishing its development.

The open world reality show game was in production for the Wii by the second team at Pandemic Studios Brisbane before owner and publisher Electronic Arts let many staff go and cut loose the studio in early January. The final dozen or so remaining staff at Pandemic Brisbane were notified today that all avenues have been exhausted and were let go.

Thanks to Hey Hey, Robert Seddon and Dark ViVi for the contributions!



Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]

In 2005, LucasArts announced a new Indiana Jones game for next-generation consoles. Originally scheduled for a release in 2007, the game saw constant delays as a result of internal struggles. Due to severe quality issues, it was decided to cancel the project in early 2009. Only externally developed versions for Wii, PS2, DS and PSP saw a release.

When first shown, LucasArts highlighted Indiana Jones as their first game on Xbox 360 and PS3 – with a story written by George Lucas himself. Set in 1939, the player was going to Read more

Silent Chaos (Dark Earth 2) [Playstation – Cancelled]

Silent Chaos is a cancelled action adventure that was in development by Kalisto Entertainment from 1997 to 1999. The game was going to be published on the  Playstation by Squaresoft, but originally the project started as a sequel of Dark Earth, an action adventure created by the same team and released only on PC. After few months of work on Dark Earth 2, Kalisto stopped the development for the PC, but it seems that Squaresoft was interested in the game and they changed DE2 into a new IP for the PSX.

The character designs that were initially created at Kalisto were redone again by Tetsuya Nomura, one of the main character designers at Square, famous for his works on Final Fantasy 7, Parasite Eve, The Bouncer and many more. Sadly, after a couple of years of development, Silent Chaos was canned, probably because of the shift of development on the soon to be released Playstation 2. A new Dark Earth 2 project was later proposed for the PS2, but nothing came from it. Kalisto Entertainment declared bankruptcy in 2002: Dark Earth 2 / Silent Chaos vanished forever with the studio and only few CG models and backgrounds remain.

Thanks and credits to Gwen Heliou and Pierre-Mony for the contributions!

Video from CanOfTheRelics YT Channel!



Rebelstar – Psionic Rebellion [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]

In 2007 NamcoBandai asked Kuju Entertainment to work on a successor of their GBA game Rebelstar, for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. The game was set in the near future and was about an Alien army attacking Earth. The game was cancelled when NamcoBandai decided to allocate their resources to other projects.

