WWF SmackDown! is a professional wrestling game released on the original Playstation by THQ and developed by YUKE’s Future Media Creators in 2000. Lionheart was able to play a beta version of the game, with some interesting differences:
- Start screen is different, different background plus it has “Jan 06 2000” in the top left-corner
- Debug text is visible during fights
- No interactivity at all backstage
- In the final game flames would be coming from the cooker when you whip characters into it, but nothing happens with anything backstage in this version
- Tables, toilet seats, caskets, steel steps, Handcuff’s and trolleys / shopping carts can be used as weapons. They arent anywhere to be seen in the final game
- Season seems to be very unfinished (random crashes, storyline text not making any sense) also shows writing with random superstars names with 255 by their name, pressing “R1” or “L1” changes these superstars, “O” views a list of wrestlers in the game.
- On the screen before you see who your fighting in season pressing sqaure on pad 1, plays a storyline (usually wierd things like 2 of the same wrestler speaking to each other)
- Pressing start on Pad 2 lets you move the camera around freely during a storyline using the second controller, Pressing Triangle on Pad1 restarts the scene
- Pressing start on pad 2 during menu screens lets you move the menu screen itself
- The one handed weapons dont do any damage unless thrown, and the thrown animation is abit glitchy the weapon leaves there hand after the animation has finished
- “Two groups of two people” mode?
- A few other small things like Chyna’s skin tone is alot darker in this one, ill try and take a few pics later if anyones interested
For more info you can check his post in the U64 Forum.
Thanks a lot to Lionheart for the contribution!