New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

WWF SmackDown! [PSX – Beta]

WWF SmackDown! is a professional wrestling game released on the original Playstation by THQ and developed by YUKE’s Future Media Creators in 2000. Lionheart was able to play a beta version of the game, with some  interesting differences:

  • Start screen is different, different background plus it has “Jan 06 2000” in the top left-corner
  • Debug text is visible during fights
  • No interactivity at all backstage
  • In the final game flames would be coming from the cooker when you whip characters into it, but nothing happens with anything backstage in this version
  • Tables, toilet seats, caskets, steel steps, Handcuff’s and trolleys / shopping carts can be used as weapons. They arent anywhere to be seen in the final game
  • Season seems to be very unfinished (random crashes, storyline text not making any sense) also shows writing with random superstars names with 255 by their name, pressing “R1” or “L1” changes these superstars, “O” views a list of wrestlers in the game.
  • On the screen before you see who your fighting in season pressing sqaure on pad 1, plays a storyline (usually wierd things like 2 of the same wrestler speaking to each other)
  • Pressing start on Pad 2 lets you move the camera around freely during a storyline using the second controller, Pressing Triangle on Pad1 restarts the scene
  • Pressing start on pad 2 during menu screens lets you move the menu screen itself
  • The one handed weapons dont do any damage unless thrown, and the thrown animation is abit glitchy the weapon leaves there hand after the animation has finished
  • “Two groups of two people” mode?
  • A few other small things like Chyna’s skin tone is alot darker in this one, ill try and take a few pics later if anyones interested

For more info you can check his post in the U64 Forum.

Thanks a lot to Lionheart for the contribution!


Driver 2 [PSX – Beta]

Driver 2 was developed by Reflections Interactive and published by Infogrames for the original Playstation in November 2000. Some beta screens were released in May 2000 and as Vicente has made us to notice, there are some little differences in there: the car shown in the early images is similar to the president’s one seen in Driver 1’s last mission but that model is not in the final D2 game. Also, the car is in an unkwnon area in the Rio De Janeiro city. In the video from Driver2Vegas Youtube Channel, we can notice some other removed cars (the Trans Am) without tinted windows, longer drawing distance,the Chicago landscape with skyscrapers looks slightly different, early HUD and gates on the bridge.

Thanks to Vicente and Gamersin for the contribution!



Disaster: Day of Crisis [Wii – Beta]

Disaster: Day of Crisis is a multi-event game developed by Monolith Software, first showed in a non-playable form at e3 2006. At the time, the game was compatible only with the classic controller, and the gameplay was much more action-oriented. In 2007 Monolith reworked the interface dramatically in order to take advantage of the Wiimote. Disaster was finally released in 2008.

Unfortunately we don’t have much footage of the 2006 build, but in the screenshot and in the videos of this page we can see how different was the HUD.



Would you like to play the Goemon 64 or Earthworm Jim 2 proto?


Probably some of you are already aware of this, but last week an huge list of prototypes from DreamTR‘s own collection was offered to the community to be dumped and preserved. You can check the complete list of protos at the Hidden Palace Forum.

Here at Unseen 64 we are especially interested in the Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon (Nintendo 64) and the Earthworm Jim 2 (SNES / Genesis) prototypes. We have decided to start a fundraising campaign to find enough people interested to donate the money that is needed to dump and preserve these 2 games.

How to? Whoever wants to help to preserve  these prototypes, donates the money  to DRX (owner of the Hidden Palace). All donations go to [email protected] via Paypal (you can pay with Credit Card or PostePay too!), he gives the money to DreamTR for the dump, then the rom is given to DRX so he can distribute it to everyone.

To donate go to the Hidden Palace website and click on the Paypal button. (If the link does not work, try to write in your browser (Dont click on the the link, but write it) and go in the “Contribute” section).

Be sure to write in the “description” the name of the prototype that you want to preserve, it’s important. So, write “Money for the Mystical Ninja Goemon 64 proto dump” or “Money for the Earthworm Jim 2 proto dump”.

So, how much we need to preserve these prototypes?


For the Goemon 64 proto we need to reach 350$ and currently we have already donated about 190$. That means that we still need to find only 9 more people that could donate 20$ (€ 14,57 EUR) or multiples of $20 and the proto will be dumped! If you love Goemon 64, you cannot let this to be lost.

Here’s the Goemon 64 donators list (will be updated daily). When you have donated, please leave a comment to this post or in the Hidden Palace Topic:

  1. Evilhamwizard (70$ + dumping equipment)
  2. monokoma (20$)
  3. Alessandro Bacchetta (20$)
  4. Nesworld (20$)
  5. Goemon International (10$)
  6. Julian Doherty (10$)
  7. Elizabeth Thornley(20$)
  8. Michael Capinjola (20$)
  9. You!
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. ?
  15. ?
  16. ?
  17. ?

To donate go to the Hidden Palace website and click on the Paypal button. Remember to write “Money for the Mystical Ninja Goemon 64 proto dump” in the description. (If the link does not work, try to write in your browser (Dont click on the the link, but write it) and go in the “Contribute” section).


For the Earthworm Jim 2 proto we need to reach about 200$. That means that we still need to find 15 people that could donate 14$ (€ 9,20 EUR) or multiples of $14 and the proto will be dumped!

Here’s the Earthworm Jim donators list (will be updated shortly). When you have donated, please leave a comment to this post:

  1. You!
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. ?
  15. ?

To donate go to the Hidden Palace website and click on the Paypal button. Remember to write “Money for the Earthworm Jim 2 proto dump” in the description. (If the link does not work, try to write in your browser (Dont click on the the link, but write it) and go in the “Contribute” section).

What could we find in these protos? How much incomplete are they? Sadly we are not sure. You can have a look a the Goemon 64 Beta and Earthworm Jim 2 Beta pages, to have an idea about the beta content that those protos could have. The protos could just be almost-complete builds, but it’s worth the chance to preserve them before they could be lost forever!