Foo was an action / stealth game that was in development in 2002 by Idol FX and was going to be published by Singularity Software . As we can read in the original press release:
Set in ancient China, Foo will challenge players to enter palaces and temples in the dead of night, loot them, and escape before the sun rises. Before each game, players will be able to choose a selection of traps to take in with them for hindering the progress of rivals, although every trap component carried will make movement slower and mean less room for hauling treasure. There will be five different characters in the game including a dragon, a tiger, an ape, a panda, and a rat–each with its own unique set of skills and characteristics. The game will also boast a random level generator, ensuring that no two games ever have to be the same.
The game was never finished and it vanished with its developer team.
Thanks to Lord Deathsaur for the contribution!