Turrican is a 1990 video game programmed by Manfred Trenz. It was first developed for the Commodore 64 by Rainbow Arts, but was ported to other systems later. Turrican 3D was intended to bring Turrican into the third dimension in 1999, but it was never released because publisher THQ stopped the development. Screenshots and videos show how the world of Turrican would have Read more
Urban X Tribe [PS2 – Cancelled]
Urban X-Tribe was an early prototype for an action game somewhat similar to Mirror’s Edge, where the player would had used Parkour moves to progress through the levels. The game was in development at Infogrames / Atari Lyon House Studio in 2002 / 2003 for the Playstation 2, but it was soon cancelled for unknown reasons.
Thanks to Hey Hey for the contribution!
Mandrake: The Shadow of the Vehme [GBA – Unreleased]
Mandrake was an action adventure / RPG game that was in development in 2003 at 7th Sense studios: even if the game was finished, the original publisher went bankrupt and there were some problems with the copyrights so it was never released.
Thanks to Maciej for the contribution!
New Unseen Interview: Mr. Mark & Hoppin Mad
In May 2008, mrmark0673 found a working prototype of Hoppin Mad, an unreleased NES game developed by Elite. The game was previously unknown to the public and when it was found, the NES community was really happy to check all the infos and screens that were freely shared online by its new owner. We had a little interview with Mr. Mark, to talk about Hoppin Mad, the preservation of unseen games, the delicate relationship between collectors / developers / gaming community, the future release of the game and some of his personal tastes. >> Read the full interview
Justice (Lionhead Studios) [Cancelled Concept – Xbox 360]
Justice was a concept for a new game that was in development at Lionhead Studios, but not many information are available on it’s gameplay elements or story. From the few concept arts that remain from this cancelled project, it seems that Justice was set in a distant future, inspired by Blade Runner.