New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

[U64 Italian Podcast] Episodio 1.7: Metal Gear Solid (2° Parte)


The Unseen 64 Podcast is only in Italian, sorry!

U64 Podcast: Episodio 1.7 – Metal Gear Solid (Parte 2°) [53:38]Eccoci giunti alla seconda Podcast dedicata alle beta della saga di Metal Gear Solid: in questo episodio parleremo dello sviluppo di MGS2 ed i suoi cambiamenti, o almeno ci proveremo. I nostri eroi super nerd continuano a sproloquiare fra merendine scomparse, ricordi d’infanzia, le modifiche della trama di MGS2 a causa degli avvenimenti storici, i dubbi sulle petroliere, il prototipo in cell shading, la meravigliosa scoperta di Dragon’s Lair per GBC, la perdita della fuga dall’inondazione della barca, sconvolgenti rivelazioni sulla vita sessuale di Otacon, l’origine femminile di Vamp, l’attacco aereo sul ponte di New York, i modelli poligonali beta all’interno di The Document of MGS2, indagini sull’età di Mey Ling, la comparsa di Raiden, ricerche filologiche sulle riviste videoludiche dell’epoca, allegri giochetti con le scatole di cartone ed il metodo scientifico per identificare la nuova password segreta. Preparatevi per un ora di viaggi mentali in compagnia del tragico staff italiano di U64. >> U64 Episodio 1.7 – Download Versione in MP3


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Superman (Factor 5) [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]


‘Superman: Man of Steel’ was the last known working title of an open world action game Factor 5 were working on for Brash Entertainment, which was being based around the legendary DC comics superhero license, Superman. It was planned to be made for the PS3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii. Its initial codename was ‘Blue Steel’.

Internal concept video:



The Adversary: City Under Siege [XBOX/PS2 – Cancelled]

The Adversary was a new prototype in development in 2002 for XBOX and PS2 by the same team at Namco USA that worked on Kill.Switch (an average third person shooter, but with interesting and innovative “hide ‘n’ shoot” elements). The project started as another third person shooter with human soldiers, but it slowly evolved into a more complex concept, untill in the latest builds there were even robotic  tanks and mechs fighting in a big city. At this time of development, the project took the new name of “City Under Siege”. The game was created with emphasis on multiplayer deathmatches and it seems that a playable multiplayer demo was even available at closed doors at E3 2004. City Under Siege could have been a fun game, but sadly it was cancelled by Namco for unknow reasons, maybe because it was too risky economically.


Tower of Goo Unlimited [Wii – Concept]


Tower of Goo Unlimited is the original prototype, made some years ago, of World of Goo, a famous indie game for Pc and Wiiware. Even if you can create only a tower in this concept, the basic gameplay and the graphic style are essentially the same as the released version. There is a level called “Tower of Goo” in the final game, but it is much more  technically refined.

2dboy has a prototype section about the development of World of Goo.

