New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Twisted Metal 3 [PSX – Beta]

Twisted Metal III is the third game in the Twisted Metal vehicular combat series, released in 1998. After a contractual dispute with the developer of previous games in series, SingleTrac, Twisted Metal development duties were handed over to Sony’s in-house development team, 989 Studios. [Infos from Wikipedia]

In the Youtube Channel of Playstation Museum, we can see an interesting video from an early build of TM3, in which there were some vehicles that were removed from the final version and some differences in the levels layout!

Thanks to AMB Cloud for the contribution!


Dead Space [XBOX – Prototype]

Dead Space is a third-person survival horror-action gamereleased in October 2008, developed by EA Redwood Shores for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows, with a version for the Wii console expected for a Q3 2009 release. [Info from Wikipedia]

It seems that in 2006, the team was working on a Dead Space prototype for the original XBOX, but is currently unknow if the game was originally meant to be released on it or it was just a way to test the game before having the final 3D engine for the next gen consoles.

We can see a video from the XBOX 1 version at AreWeScaredYet‘s Youtube Channel: “this video was shown during a presentation called “Creating Horror and Immersion with the Art of Dead Space” by Art Director of the game Ian Milham at the Animex, games and animation festival in 2009. An article about the presentation can be read at

Thanks to Dark ViVi and Robert Seddon for the contribution!


Wario Land 4 [GBA – Debug & Unused Stuff]

In the Wario Land 4 code a beta logo was found by Racoon Sam and Linkin800 from the JUL Forum found some more unused tiles and a beta test level! As Linkin wrote in his topic, the test level is “surprisingly similar to the Metriod Fusion one, but thats because MF was built off of WL4’s engine”. You can read the original topic in here! There are even some debug rooms hidden in the game’s code.



New OoT Developer Interview translation


GlitterBerri has finished a new translation from the Zelda: Ocarina Of Time developers interview series, the 16° one titled “Looks Like This Zelda Was Tough to Fix (Part 2)”. You can read the full translation at BerriBlue! Here are some of the more interesting parts:

We were making the game to match the basic abilities we had decided on for Link at the beginning, but his ability settings were changed midway through. This lead to the mappers (who had been making the maps according to the original settings) suddenly finding themselves having to change their maps.

As an example,we totally redid the Water Temple. The amount of time Link could stay underwater was changed part way through

This is from a little while back, but they heard that the hookshot ability had been changed, they quickly checked the maps

The Super Mario Club (※) had a big influence. After we hired testers, everything was suddenly changed at 30% completion.