On October 2008, a playable prototype of Happy Camper, an unreleased NES game that was in development at Color Dreams, was discovered between various remains of the studio. NGD was the lucky collector that got his hands on this legendary game and he decided to share his find with all the other NES fans: infos and screens from HC were soon released, so that documents of its existence can now be preserved. But that’s not all. The next week (February 2009), Happy Camper will be finally released to the public, complete with a phisical cart, a paper manual and much more! We had a little interview with NGD, to talk about his discovery, the release of the game and the thoughs of a collector on the wonderful world of unseen games.
>> Read the full interview
Raven and Rex [XBOX – Cancelled]
Raven and Rex was a misterious XBOX game in development at Pipeworks Software and not many infos are available, apart from the rumor that it could have had a multiplayer coop mode. Part of the Pipeworks team worked on the early XBOX Tech demo that it’s often know as Raven & Rex, so this game could have been an action game with those two characters.
Unseen Interviews: NGD & Happy Camper
On October 2008, a playable prototype of Happy Camper, an unreleased NES game that was in development at Color Dreams, was discovered between various remains of the studio. NGD was the lucky collector that got his hands on this legendary game and he decided to share his find with all the other NES fans: infos and screens from HC were soon released, so that documents of its existence can now be preserved. But that’s not all. The next week (February 2009), Happy Camper will be finally released to the public, complete with a phisical cart, a paper manual and much more! We had a little interview with NGD, to talk about his discovery, the release of the game and the thoughs of a collector on the wonderful world of unseen games.
Warning: sorry for the spelling errors, we’ll fix them asap ;)
U64: Thanks for your time NGD! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
NGD: My name is Jason aka NationalGameDepot or NGD for short. I have been collecting NES for around 10 years or so now. I had a fully CIB NES set minus a Stadium Event box until this month, when I sold my CIB Myraid 6 in 1. So I am missing the SE box, and a Myriad now for a full set. I also have a few hundred PAL games, around 100 multi-carts, the test carts, Sachen stuff, and pile of other random crap. I am also the guy that has the giant 8ft Nintendo and 7ft Gameboy :) Check out my site @ www.nationalgamedepot.zoomshare.com for some old pics.
U64: Can you tell us about Happy Camper and how did you find it?
PSYCHO 5-0 [PS2 – Proto / Cancelled]
PSYCHO 5-0 was a prototype for a third person shooter / car combat game in development for about 2 years at Sony Santa Monica Studio for the Playstation 2, but later canned for unknown reasons. It’s interesting to notice that in Calling All Cars, a PS3 game by Incognito Entertainment (part of the SCEA Santa Monica Studio) one of the cars is named PSYCHO 5-0, a nice citation of this unseen project.
More Images:
Sanxion [GBA – Cancelled]
In the Youtube Channel of GamesThatWerent we can see a video from Sanxion, a cancelled shoot ’em up that was in development in 2001 by Thalamus Interactive for the GameBoy Advance. The original Sanxion was a Commodore 64 game released in 1986 and this GBA remake was going to have updated graphics and new features, like two-player mode and end-of-level bosses. A playable prototype was developed, but the game was perceived too financially risky and ultimately canceled. [Infos from Wikipedia]