New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

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Are you an U64 fan? Do you check our archive daily for updates? We really appreciate your love and for this reason, we want to warn you that we still have some problems with our server: we found a cheaper one, but we dont have unlimited bandwidth anymore and now we have a limit of 15 GB a month. And we have consumed already more than 10 GB. We can add more GBs  of  bandwidth for about 11 $ / 10 Euro for every GB added, but our funds are not enough to buy more bandwidth right now. We are rising more money from friends and parents, but it will probably needs some time to activate the extra GBs.

This means that from tomorrow we need to limit the access to the Unseen Archive, at least for some days or till the next month (when we’ll have 15 GB of traffic again). But.. we’ll leave the site accessible for few register members: no accounts left, invitation codes will be released soon. After those, U64 will be invite only. With your username and password you’ll be able to access to the Unseen Archive when we’ll limit the access for everyone else.

We are sorry for this inconvenience, but to keep up U64 cots a lot. If you want to help, we still accept contributions through PayPal (see the bottom-right button in this page). You can just donate how much or little you want. Every cent is really appreciated and sent towards the site. We would like to thanks from the deep of our hearts Gilgalegrouik, Stereo and Miccha for their donations, thanks a lot guys, we really love you <3

Take care

The U64 Staff.

Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones [Beta / Debug – GBA]

Recently a beta version of Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones has been found. It is a very early version of the Sacred Stones and contains many differences. This pre-alpha ROM uses many things from the previous game as placeholder; even the title and menus from the Blazing Sword are still there. The game opens up with a debug menu that is identical to the one from the Blazing Sword prototypes. Although the game does have some of the stages programmed in it many of these still need much work. Some do not yet have enemies and have a level two Cavalier as the only enemy. The game’s own music has not been implemented and certain moster enemies are missing battle artwork. Many character portraits are absent; those that do exist were changed in the final. These alterations are mostly minor but some characters were changed quite a bit. Also Ephraim’s name was originally Izark.

Alpha on the left. Final on the right.

Alpha on the left. Final on the right.

Debug Title Screen

Debug Title Screen

Additional information from Serenes Forest:

  • Amelia has Tana’s role; her class was planned to be a flying Trainee.
  • L’Arachel has a variation of Tana’s portrait, while Tethys has a variation of Neimi’s portrait.
  • There was a Wyvern Rider called Nate planned Ephraim’s name was planned to be Irzark (seen in the debug menus).

These characters were changed drastically in the final.

These characters were changed drastically in the final.

  • Many of the World Map locations have different names. Some of the battle map layouts are slightly different.
  • In Chapter 6, after Eirika hands over her bracelet, the Grado soldiers kill the civilians in front of her eyes.
  • At the end of Chapter 6, Saleh appears and kills the boss with a critical attack. Chapter 6’s battle map is the same as Chapter 11’s (Eirika’s route) in the retail version.
  • The boss of Chapter 8 is Dyude Rubarth, one of Grado’s Seven Generals, also known as the Black ?-stone.

By using the debug options one can remove an enemy's weapon. By doing this one can find sprites that are not normally viewable.

By using the debug options one can remove an enemy’s weapon. This shows sprites that are not viewable in normal gameplay.

  • Eirika promotes at the beginning of Chapter 17 The Final Chapter is comprised of just one map.
  • The Tower of Valni has two extra stages- seen in Floor 2 and 3.

You can find even more infos at Serenes Forest! Props to them

Below you can see a bunch of scans from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones beta, before it came out. You can see its earliest scans (first reveal scans) where the first couple chapters are different and there are different animations and mugshots for some characters. The stolen prototypes (they were stolen from Intelligent System’s network) seem to have some content from this earliest version, but also content that wasn’t present in the earliest OR the final version.

Thanks to Iven Allen for the scans!



Stuntman: Demolition [Wii – Cancelled]

In 2007, THQ-owned and now closed Locomotive Games developed a Wii game called Stuntman: Demolition. While both PS3 and Xbox 360 got Stuntman: Ignition, the Wii console was to get its own iteration. Due to mediocre sales of the Xbox 360/PS3 version, THQ decided to cancel the project and instead retired the whole franchise.

Stuntman: Demolition was the first title in the franchise which should have got an ongoing story and characters. You will find some character and vehicle art below.


Little Big Adventure 2 [PC – Beta]

Robert Seddon linked us to a couple of interesting pages with screens and informations about a beta version of Little Big Adventure 2, the sequel of the cult adventure game by Adeline Software International. In the Magicball Network forum you can see a gallery full of screens from an early version of LBA2, while in this interview we can read that in the 1996 pre-release version of the game there were some drastic differences from the final version. Examples include the ferry being in the style of the ferry in the original Little Big Adventure, Twinsen was supposed to wear a white T-Shirt, the woodbridge on Citadel Island being intact rather than broken, Emerald Moon having a Twinsunian blue sky, access to the top of the lighthouse and differences in the characters (mostly Zeelichians) – most notably the Franco guards seen on Twinsun after the invasion. [Infos from Wikipedia] About the beta-tshirt for Twinsen, Quetch from the MN communuty worked on a nice mod for the game, to restore the original look of the character: you can read more infos and download the file in here.

Thanks a lot to Robert Seddon for these links!

