New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Heavy Rain [PS3 – Beta]

Heavy Rain is an adventure game for the Ps3 developed by Quantic Dream, the same people behind Omikron and Fahrenheit. A Pc version was planned too,but scrapped early. The first official presentation of the game was at e3 2006 with a tech demo called “The Casting”, while the first gameplayer trailer was shown at GC 2008.

In a video about the making of Heavy Rain, embedded below, we can see some scenes that were removed from the final build:

  • Scott murdered his mother in the hospital.
  • Ethan “Blackouts” were supposed to happen inside a flooded house, which represented the killer’s mind.
  • Ethan took his son to school.
  • Madison had go to her newspaper headquarters.
  • The player could personalize Madison’s house repainting it and changing the apartment layout.
  • Madison suffered from insomnia because she was a war correspondent in Iraq in the past.



Rat Race [PS3 – Cancelled]

Rat Race was a comedy/adventure game, that was meant to be sold as individual episodes on the PlayStation Network Store. Rat Race was set in an office – an extremely dysfunctional one. The company was called BiggCo, and the people who were worked there… probably should have did something else. Your job was simply to make it through the day as bombs go off all around. [Info from Wikipedia]

At E3 2008, Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, announced that the game has been cancelled.



Under the Skin [PS2 – Beta]

Under The Skin was a weird and obscure PS2 game developed by Capcom. The main character is an extraterrestrial called Cosmi, sent from Planet Mischief to Earth to generally wreak havoc. The game features cameos from some of the cast of Capcom’s other games, such as an entire level that functions as a parody of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis [Infos from Wikipedia].

In  an early video of the game we can see various differences from the final version:

  • Completely different HUD for everything then in the final version.
  • The main character Cosmi is wearing a strap of sorts which he doesn’t have in the final version.
  • You have rings intstead of coins in the final version.
  • In the beta rings fall out of the character when he’s not disguised, in the final coins only come out when the player is attacked.
  • Some different looking NPCs.
  • You start the level without a disguise, where in the final version you do.
  • The humans have health meters ranging from two to four hearts, but in the final version two hits to your disguise reveals your alien form.
  • You can enter a human disguise anywhere, whereas in the final version, you need a UFO to get into a disguise.
  • The text “PERFECT CHANGE” appears when activating a disguise, suggesting that if people spotted you changing, they will know you’re an alien.
  • Snatching an person takes longer and they shrink while snatching them, and people will notice it.
  • The Karaoke atttack does not have speakers following the player.
  • The crowd’s reaction to an attack is not as cartoony as the final version.
  • The music is completely different then any of the music in the final version.

Thanks a lot to Kamekheimer for the contribution!


Moonlight Fables [DS – Cancelled]

Moonlight Fables is a cancelled side-scrolling action-adventure game, exclusively for the DS, that was slated for release in 2005 by Majesco. Designed by Cyber Philharmonic Video Game Design, the game was going to feature touch-screen input, use of the DS’s two screens and “multiplayer network play” (according to official publicity). Whether this refers to online play, or simply close-range wireless play, is not specified. While an action-adventure, the game would also have tasked the player with different puzzles to solve.

The game was gothic-fantasy-themed, and featured 19-year-old werewolf and Officer School For International Strike Forces graduate Trista Silver. Interestingly, the game was planned to have all of its levels merged into one giant area, allowing seamless movement between sections. It was going to include a range of weapons to master, including the mystical Moon Sword, various types of blaster and the player’s own werewolf teeth and claws. Quite an impressive visual arsenal was in the works, which boasted such features as a blend of 2D and 3D art styles, and a dynamic camera that zoomed in and panned around to highlight specific events.

Although Moonlight Fables was one of the first titles announced for the DS by a western publisher, it went through a major developmental overhaul mid-production. After these major changes, Majesco re-evaluated the game, and took it off their release list. It has since been officially cancelled.

The original website for the game can still be accessed via the Internet Archive.

Article by Franklint


Freezer Level

Trista Silver