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New Unseen Interview: Scarred Sun from Sonic Retro

Sonic fans probably already know Sonic Retro, one of the best websites for informations about Sonic protos, hacks and various unseen stuff from our favourite blue hedgehog games. In these last years, the SR community was able to realize a wonderfull series of projects and researches, that help us to know more about the development of the Sonic saga. Sonic Retro is now a perfect example on how to organize a group of  expert gamers, “hackers” and lovely geeks, that collaborate togheter to preserve informations on lost games. What’s the secret of their success? We have contacted Scarred Sun, webmistress of SR, and she was nice enough to take some of her time to answer our boring questions about their site, the  Sonic Retro sceners and the beta-gaming world. Read the full interview »

Unseen Interviews: Scarred Sun from Sonic Retro

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Sonic fans probably already know Sonic Retro, one of the best websites for informations about Sonic protos, hacks and various unseen stuff from our favourite blue hedgehog games. In these last years, the SR community was able to realize a wonderfull series of projects and researches, that help us to know more about the development of the Sonic saga. Sonic Retro is now a perfect example on how to organize a group of  expert gamers, “hackers” and lovely geeks, that collaborate togheter to preserve informations on lost games. What’s the secret of their success? We have contacted Scarred Sun, webmistress of SR, and she was nice enough to take some of her time to answer our boring questions about their site, the  Sonic Retro sceners and the beta-gaming world.

U64: Thanks for your time Scarred Sun, would you like to introduce yourself and your site to our readers?

Scarred Sun: I’m Scarred Sun, the owner of Sonic Retro, a site dedicated to all things old-school Sonic, but with a focus on prototypes, hacking and technical aspects of the Sonic the Hedgehog series of video games. I originally joined the Sonic scene in 2001 while learning about a pirated Sonic 1 cart that I had and ran a couple of sites that eventually evolved into what we now know as Retro.

Unlike most other webmasters in this genre of sites, I do not actually do much hacking or research myself; instead, I basically aggregate the discoveries and news of others and make it more accessible for a wider audience. I started this through a site called Sonic the Hedgehog Information Treasury (aka SHIT) and it eventually evolved into its own community. On a day-to-day level I’m responsible for the glue that holds the site together by resolving personal conflicts, helping and hanging out with the community, coordinating projects, design and direction for the site, and obviously editing the wiki and front page.

U64: On Sonic Retro there’s a big collection of hacks and informations about beta and canceled Sonic games: how did the site started to archive this kind of unseen stuff?
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Mega Man X [SNES – Beta / Unused]

Zero7 has linked us to an interesting topic on the Sonic Retro Forum, where GoldS has posted some unused stuff that he has found in the memory of Mega Man X, like a removed jump ability for one of the enemies, a removed boss phase, unused room entrance and an unused “jellyfish-robot”. For more infos check the original topic at SRF, props to GoldS for these finds! Also, in the Game Pro review of the game there were some screens from a removed level, that was cut after the preview-copy was sent to them. Thanks to Celine we have a scan that shows the removed white city!



Outcast [PC – Beta]

In the Youtube Channel of qobol we can see an interesting video from an early beta of Outcast. In the description he has wrote that: “This early Outcast beta version is dated from September 1997. The game was formerly going to include a game mode called “duel”, which was a 1 versus 1 match. This was later discarded and the final version did not include any multiplayer option.” Props to qobol for the video!
