New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Dreamland Chronicles: Freedom Ridge [PS2/PC – Cancelled]


X-COM is a series of computer games, started by Mythos Games and MicroProse in 1993. The first three titles were tactical games while the fourth was an action-based space combat/strategy game. The first installment, UFO: Enemy Unknown in Europe (also known as X-COM: UFO Defense in North America) was written by a team led by Julian Gollop. MicroProse quickly had an internal team create the sequel X-COM: Terror from the Deep. Subsequently, the Gollop brothers went straight to work on X-COM: Apocalypse, which would end up being the third in the series when released in 1997. Soon after Apocalypse, MicroProse was bought by Hasbro Interactive. All titles were developed for the PC, with a few ports to the Sony PlayStation and Amiga.

The Dreamland Chronicles: Freedom Ridge was a cancelled game by the authors of the original game (Mythos Games), claimed to having been “essentially a remake of the first X-Com with 3D graphics”. [Info from Wikipedia]

For more informations, you can check this site:


[Updates] More beta / unseen videos in the archive!

Thanks to Youtube we have found some more beta videos for the Unseen Archive:

Hybrid Heaven [Proto / Tech Demo – N64] (From helmsly2010 YT Channel)

Symbosis [Tech Demo / Proto – XBOX & PS2] (From OutcastSpain YT Channel)

More unseen videos has been added in these pages: Future Zone (snes – cancelled), Road Rash 2 (Game Gear – Cancelled) from LIVIADRVSILLA YT Channel, Silicon Valley (Beta – N64) from helmsly2010 YT Channel, F-Zero X (N64 – Beta) from LucaPM YT Channel, Super Shinobi 2 (MD/G – Beta) from EclipseVoid and SuperGalvatron YT channels, Resident Evil 4 Making Of from Tilemaxx YT Channel. Props to them :)

Donkey Kong Country [SNES – Beta / Concept / Unused Stuff]

Donkey Kong Country is one of the most famous Rareware games made in Super Nintendo. The technology of Advanced Computer Modeling helped Donkey Kong Country makes a successful fame and great looking graphics.

But not giving much words, the old chimp, Donkey Kong, have been changed during the development. Shigeru Miyamoto first idea was to make Donkey Kong looks like the Donkey Kong Jr., from the NES, the RAREware employers decided to make Donkey Kong looks more strong and looking more “cartoonish” . The Final rendered image have changed, such as, less beefy and with a little less hair. Check the image below:
~You can click the image below to enlarge it~

Also, Robert Seddon has made us notice about a series of Donkey Kong Country unused stuff that some lovely geeks at DKC Atlas have found out in the memory of the game, like unused rooms and sprites. You can read the full topics in here, here and here. Thanks a lot to Robert for these links and  props to the DKC Atlas guys for the finds!

Thanks to Lucas and Gabrielwoj for the contribution!



In the Video above, it’s possible to notice some differences:

-The Banana Counter was no limit, it would be possible a “collect all bananas” mode that was scrapped?;
-Banana Animations are a Little more faster;
-In Funky Flights, Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong don’t jump too high in Final version;
-At 4:00 , there is a Concept Art with both Kongs using the Team-Up move, these was used later in Donkey Kong Country 2 and Donkey Kong Country 3;
-At 7:35 , when Donkey Kong in running with the Steel Keg, the checkpoint doesn’t activate. It was fixed in Final Version;
-At 8:07 , when the player gets s Life (Balloon), the sound effect is really different than the final version;
-At 9:00 , it’s possible to see a Debug Coding at the corner of the screen;
-At 12:03 , the First Level is Raining. Even if the player (in final version), does reach at the end and go back, this doesn’t happens;
-Some of the animations are a little more slow, and some others are too fast.

Sega Team: Time Crystals [PS2 – Proto/Concept]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in this page and your name in the contributors list. Thanks a lot for your help! :)

ITA: Questa pagina dell’archivio non ha ancora una descrizione. Se vuoi aggiungere delle informazioni riguardo le differenze della beta o la descrizione di un gioco cancellato, lasciaci un commento o mandaci una email! Inseriremo le tue informazioni nella pagina ed il tuo nome nella lista dei collaboratori. Grazie per il tuo aiuto! :)

