New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

[Projects] Super Mario 64 Beta Remake Updates

Update: The Mario 64 beta remake mod was revamped sometime around April of 2011. No further information will be posted UNTIL the mod is near complete. The “Beta Replica” is completely gone, so searching for that title won’t do you any good. If you’re interested in a beta remake of Super Mario 64, you can check back on this page any time. Dudaw’s Youtube channel is updated regularly as well

Again, nothing can be said about the mod at the moment. Look forward to the complete version!

EDIT (Dudaw, creator): Screenshots Added

Old Info:

Okay, I know it seemed like I was stalling this hack on purpose, but I just didn’t have too much time. But now, finally I have released my final of the first beta hack! You can get it in the description of the Youtube video below! The reason why this was so hectic is that school kept getting in the way, and when I thought I would upload the hack, I never got the chance. Please also follow instructions in the description of that video!! It’s your own fault if you can’t get it to work. But if for some reason, you have some strange glitches or unrepairable errors, please send me an email at: [email protected]


Now, there is something else going on too, Bosco came out and he’s making his own beta hack again. So, if you see that please feel free to stop by and give his hack some company. He is having a bit of trouble launching it. As for mine, it seems 99% complete. Although, it does need some revisions (small). I am also going to start some other beta hacks. Because there were about three betas of Mario 64 and then the pre-launch versions. The beta3 should be fairly easy. As for beta2, it will take longer and be even harder than the first beta hack that I released. The one that I released was beta v.1.0 if you forgot. So v.2.0 is the one where Mario’s health meter was shaped like a U/shield and the castle was a bit larger.

Preview of Beta V.1.0 and Download!:

Enjoy! ^_^

Unseen Interviews: DRX from Hidden-Palace

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[Interview by Xavio]

Xavio hasn’t updated a lot the last time, but no worries folks, the one and only Xavio is back – WITH AN INTERVIEW!! How great isn’t that? I was trying to contact Borman from Past To Present / Superior Version, but he was far to little on his computer (so we’ll have his interview for another time) and I decided to contact DRX from instead. God Bless that guy, now I’ll get an A+ in English. Anyway, let’s go down to business.

[spoiler /Click here for the censored version/ /Hide the censored version/]I went down the streets, looking for the man. The city walls were gray, and I smoked on my cigarrete as I heard the noise of the wind coming through me. Then I saw him. He stood in the city corner, the guy who took care of He watched at me as I came towards him, with my cigarrete and my pimped out nose. We stood and chatted for a while, and then I began interviewing him.[/spoiler]


<Xavio> Hi DrX! Thanks a lot for this interview, we know that you probably have better things to do than reply to our questions, but we’ll try to be as fast as possible. :) Would you like to introduce yourself and your site to our readers?

[spoiler /Click here for the censored version/ /Hide the censored version/]<Xavio> Hi DrX! Thanks a lot for this interview, we know that you probably have better things to do than reply to our questions (like spitting in cans), but we’ll try to be as slow as possible. :) Would you like to introduce yourself and your site to our readers?[/spoiler]

<drx> It’d be a good idea, I don’t think that many people know me. I run a website called Hidden Palace, devoted to preserving lost video games and video game development history, among other things. Oh and don’t worry, I have enough time and cans to spit in them.

<Xavio> When did you get the idea to open a site for unreleased stuff? Why did you start the site?

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Daraku Tenshi: The Fallen… Beta?

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[Article written by Torentsu]

In 1998 Psyiko’s “Steel Hearts” team released the highly obscure fighter Daraku Tenshi: The Fallen Angels. The game saw limited release in Japan, and even slimmer distribution in America and other places outside the land of the rising sun. Despite this the game was at least “semi” translated and there is a dip-switch option allowing you to change the after battle quotes into English. Perhaps the thing that makes Daraku Tenshi so interesting is the air of mystery that surrounds its development, and the finished product that we got. Thanks to the rise of the internet however, a few more scraps of info are starting to turn up. The general consensus is that Daraku Tenshi was released unfinished (or in the very least rushed). After being lucky enough to play this game a few years ago I created my first character modifier (and my first code for a video game at that). I wanted to check out claims of lost characters in the game, and hopefully play as them. Unfortunately I didn’t find any of the lost characters in the character array, but I did manage to make the bosses playable. You can see videos of this on my old youtube account:


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Ni-Oh [PS3 – Cancelled]


Ni-Oh, a buddhist term for a deva king, is a cancelled game from Koei that was meant to be released for the PlayStation 3 in 2007. The game was set in a warring state era of feuding war lords. The main character was Ni-Oh, a blonde-haired military commander, son of a foreign woman and a Japanese man, that casts himself into a fierce battle to carve destiny. Probably early in the development, Koei have decided to cancel Ni-Oh to concentrate on other projects. [Info from Wikipedia]



Grandia [Beta – Saturn / Playstation]


In the archive of Vast Lands of Grandia we can see some screenshots from a beta build of Grandia, which shows some changes from the final version. At this point the story was probably not finished yet, because there were some scenes not present in the released version, like Justin that falls from a rock in the volcano, a tank used against our heroes, Java absent from the cart in the mines and a mysterious rock that resembles a turtle. Other interesting details are the beta battle hud and the unusually high point of view of a city (New Parm?).

For more informations check the VLoG beta page! Huge props to them :)

