New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

A room full of Sega’s games? Even prototypes!


This can be an old news for someone, in fact, it’s been a while that is circulating on gaming’s blogs, but hey, I’ve been busy, you know, the school is gonna start soon here in Italy! Leaving asides my personal issues, someone at SEGA America Blog stumbled on this room containing every (?) Sega game produced for Sega’s and competitors’ consoles. For a complete view of the games, check out the Flickr account of Sega of America .

Apparently there are even a buch of prototypes in there: “Other drawers have spindles of old sega silvers (final games playable games on regular CD/DVDs)”, it’s cool to know that Sega still preserves old builds of their games, maybe there could be another room in Sega of Japan building that contains Sonic X-Treme, Shenmue for the Saturn and so on! I’m really happy of this find, because I saw in one of the photos two interesting protos, one is Dee Dee Planet and one is an unknown game called “Sonic proof“, but I have no idea of what is that. There could even be other cancelled games Read more

More talk about Robotech: Crystal Dreams


Robotech: Crystal Dreams, based off the hit anime, was a cancelled game for the N64. Its developers, GameTek filed a chapter 11 bankruptcy before the game could be finished, and all of the unfinished game was liquidated. The game was supposed to come out in May of 1995 as one of the Nintendo 64’s launch titles. It was first named Robotech: Academy but it was eventually cancelled after it was shown at E3. Crystal Dreams was primarily a space shooter but in between levels your character would be able return to the home base and interact with characters to further move the story forward. Read more

Final Fantasy: Dissidia [PSP – Beta]

Zero7 has made us notice that in the early screens of Final Fantasy: Dissidia for the PSP, the HUD was different from the one in the final version. The new HUD permits a better visual on the action, so we are happy for the change! Also, Robert Seddon linked us to the Dissia Wiki, there is an info about unused Aeris and Tonberry models hidden in the game data.

Aeris and Tonberry from Crises-Core can be seen in GMO files File000895 and File000896 respectively, even though they are not actually within the game. Presumably leftovers from testing.

Beta HUD:




Final (?) HUD:
