New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

[Projects] A new beta-remake: New Super Mario Bros DS!


Update: it seems that this hack was found by Trekki, Tanks, Sonicandtails and other “NSMB hackers” too, along with the version of LucaPM and other gamers. You can download the Trekki version at


LucaPM was working on a  “beta-hack” to restore more removed stuff from the game. The beta revival would have had all the secret levels playable plus some more from the early Mario Bros DS tech demo and the E3 beta version, the removed “traditional” 2 Players mode in the levels and mega goombas.

Some info about the “beta-hack”: how you probably know, there are 5 unused levels in the “Final NSMB game code” that come from the beta version of NSMB :

  • 2 are grasslands levels
  • 2 are desert levels
  • 1 is a castle level

One of the desert levels is probably the oldest level in NSMB because it’s showed in a video of the beta NSMB at the E3 when the old tileset were used (NSMB was still a concept). You can see the video in the NSMB beta page of Unseen64 :) More infos about the beta levels and the tech demo come from Youtube and U64. Some beta-levels are completely shown so the reconstruction should be affidable and accurate, but others will be incomplete because there are not many more informations.

Here’s the download link for the semi-beta of the beta project:

Spore prototypes available for download!


Yep, that’s right, you can download the various beta builds of Spore at . We can only hope that more software houses follow the example of EA and release as many betas as possible!

As they say in their site: “Spore has been a huge undertaking. Along the way we ended up exploring countless design directions in gameplay, simulation and user interface. One of the ways in which we explore possible design directions is by Read more

More magazines beta-scans! With Sonic 1 beta screens


Last day I checked one of my favourite sites of the Internet, Old Computer Mags which, despite the name, covers console magazines too. They updated the oldest issues of one of my favourite italian mags, Consolemania. In the first issue I found new screens of Sonic 1 Beta! Go to our page to see them! I’m trying to find other beta-images of other games, if you want to help me, Old Computer Mags has plenty of scans of many other magazines!

Sonic Mars [32X – Concept/Cancelled]


Sonic Mars was being developed by Sega Technical Institute (STI), a U.S.-based developer that had worked on games such as Sonic 2, Sonic 3 , Sonic Spinball, The Ooze and Comix Zone. In its earliest conception, the game was set to be released on the Sega Genesis and later on the 32X, under the name Sonic Mars (based on the codename for the 32X, Sega Mars). Sonic Mars would also have featured Sally Acorn and the other Freedom Fighters from the Saturday morning animated series, Sonic the Hedgehog. Part of the project staff included Chris Senn, who designed demo animations in order to persuade executives, and Michael Kosaka, who was the staff leader and the game’s producer. Read more