New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Nuova U64 Podcast: episodio 1.2 – Sonic Xtreme (1° Parte)


The Unseen 64 Podcast is only in Italian, sorry!

U64 Podcast: episodio 1.2 – Sonic Xtreme 1° Parte [27:33] Nell’aria c’era ormai il timore che lo staff italiano di U64 avesse deciso di smetterla di registrare quelle inutili podcast, respinto dalla vergogna o eliminato dallo staff inglese che sta ormai prendendo il sopravvento numerico.. ma invece, dopo un lungo travaglio, siamo di nuovo pronti a renderci ridicoli parlando per ore di giochi beta come se fosse un argomento filosofico! Dopo mesi di astinenza, finalmente gli ascoltatori abituali della tragica Podcast di Unseen 64 potranno tornare perdere tempo con un nuovo episodio, dedicato al più grande unseen di casa SEGA: Sonic X-Treme. Bakka, Yota, SegaMaster e monokoma vi terranno compagnia in questa prima mezzora di discussione incasinata, cominciando da un riassunto sullo loro vite private, il rinnovamento del sito, i problemi di pronuncia di X-Treme, le basi del progetto, i primi concept per Mega Drive, la rivalità fra SoJ e SoA, il passaggio su 32X, i titoli perduti di Sonic, l’attacco delle formiche volanti e la nascita del Saturn, fra strani screpitii e problemi tecnici vari. Buon ascolto! >> U64 Episodio 1.2 – Download Versione in MP3


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Bomberman 64 [N64 – Beta]


Bomberman 64 is the first 3-D game within the Bomberman series. It also implements a different single-player mode by incorporating action-adventure and platforming stages, instead of arenas in which enemies or other elements must be destroyed. The game was released in Europe on November 27, 1997 and released in North America on December 1 of the same year. [Info from Wikipedia] In the beta version of Bomberman 64, the HUD was different, with more stuff on the screen, while the clock icon was round and not a square like in the final version. You can see a comparison between the beta (at the top) and the final (below). The levels and the characters from these old screens look just the same as the ones in the released game.




Super Metroid [SNES – Beta]

Super Metroid was the third game produced in the Metroid series. Metroid producer Gunpei Yokoi oversaw the project, but owing to him being busy with designing the Game Boy Pocket and Virtual Boy, Super Metroid was produced by Makoto Kanoh, who had devised the original game’s storyline. The game’s early planning began in 1990 with Nintendo’s Nintendo Research & Development 1 (R&D1) headed by Yoshio Sakamoto. [Info from Wikipedia] Looking through old screens from the game’s previews, we can notice some interesting changes made in the game while in development. Read more

Rock Band [X360/PS3 – Beta]

Danny33 has wrote a topic in our forum where he makes us notice that in the first build of Rock Band we can see some interesting changes from the final version:

  • Different looking drums and microphone
  • Energy notes look very different
  • Guitar model not made yet
  • Notes look very different
  • During drum fills, sections do not flash.
  • Microphone notes are now blue.
  • Playing notes during the Big Rock Ending do not flash.
  • Welcome to the Jungle was set to be playable, but was removed. (This song later ended up in Guitar Hero 3.)
  • Different looking HUD/s

Also, ForWhomTheBellTolls noticed:

  • Great was replaced with Awesome when getting a streak singing.
  • There is no “You Win” after you beat a song in the final product.
  • The guitarist highway wasn’t blue during the solo like in the finished game, as well as the solo percentage HUD (You put that, but I wanted to add the blue highway portion.

Even in the e3 2007 build we can find some minor differences:

  • Different looking notes
  • It appears that the Stratocaster was smaller.

Thanks to Danny33 for these infos!

In the PAX 2007 version, the notes that filled your overdrive meter were bland and gray instead of glowing. Also, when you engaged your overdrive, the “highway” the notes appeared on would catch on fire and every note you hit would send plumes of smoke and debris off of the sides.

Thanks to Dr. Swank for these infos!

World Reborn [GBA Version] leaked!

Probably it’s an old news for some of you, but if you still did not know, the Neopong team has shared with the public a ROM of their cancelled GBA / DS game, a shmup named World Reborn. As we can read at the WD Forum “My partners and I have finally completely given up on the ability to get this game out in some form or fashion (DS/Wii remake, Cellphone version, etc…), so rather than let it never see the light of day or be played by anyone, we’ve decided to just make it freely available for download. So here it is, 4 (or 5?) years after completion, World Reborn: [4MB]

[…] you’ll need the ability to play GBA ROM files. Various ways you can do that… I’d recommend grabbing VisualBoy Advance (just Google search for it), it plays well in there.”

You can read more about the project at the Neopong website, with some interesting informations like the Design Document, Game Spreadsheet and the Stat Balancing Sheet. We are happy to see that some developers have decided to freely share their work that could have been lost, props to them! If you are a fan of the shoot ’em up genre, you should try this cancelled-one. Here’s a video if you want to take a look before the download: