New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Tommy Thunder [N64 – Prototype / Cancelled]


Tommy Thunder was a third person shooter in development for the Nintendo 64 (and later for the PSX too) from Player 1 studios, but it was never released and we never got many informations about it. In November 2007, herpetic.adventures on the LostLevels forum posted an interesting story about a misterious file: “[…] about 10 years ago I was poking around the Player1 website looking for info on when Robotron 64 was coming out. Just for the hell of it, I clicked the “Press Info” link. Which turned out to be an anonymous FTP. Woo. Poked around a bit, and amongst directories of PSX assets, I found and” Inside the zipped file, there was what it looks like an early prototype of Tommy Thunder 64 and so, thanks to herpetic.adventures, we finally have some screens from the game to look at! You can read more  info about his find in the Lost Levels Forum and check this article on NES World, where you can read some quotes from Tommy Thunder’s developers:

What you have is an early N64 Prototype of Tommy Thunder. The game got signed by ASC games and switched to PlayStation. We made it pretty far into production before ASC Games ran out of money and were forced to cancel the project.

Thanks to Vaettur for the logo!



RS Links: Final Fantasy VI Special Tracks


From the Robert Seddon links list, today we would like to notice a page about some “unheard” music from Final Fantasy 6. At the FFMusic website we can read that there is a “3-inch CD single contains remixed and arranged tracks, apparently from FF6 by the title, but none of the tracks sound familiar. Chris Kohler tells me that most of the tracks on this CD were deleted from the FF6 game, and that “Chikazuku Yokan” was supposed to be a vocal track composed for the game.” You can read more about this album at