New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Paper Mario [N64 – Debug Rooms / Unused Stuff]


FullMetalMC has sent to us a mail with some interesting images and infos: “These are debug rooms from the original Paper Mario, taken by me using various codes found by others. You can see different rooms:

but dont save or your stuck there
– a strange forest debug that seems to have been used to test the camera: moving around will make the camera move around.
– a mirror debug room.
– a really weird room: when you first enter, theres a bunch of Koopas in a line, but when you talk to them they change into your helpers while a circular wave continues to form around Mario.
– a pipe debug room: none of them work.
– a room with a big purple circle in the back that was originally used to test Goombarios out of battle skill but the message was later changed to the mini game thing. Goombario tells you information about places and enemies but he has no info on all debug rooms except this one.
– the strangest one out of all of them, has a MARIO RPG text on the floor, that might be an extremely early logo. For some reason the screen kept flickering while i was here, only stopping at certain times. If you have a helper out, instead of following you he begins to fly around the room. Theres some numbered exits that use a font that reminds me of Super Mario 64 and i dont think that font was used anywhere else in Paper Mario. These exits (well at least the ones that work) will take you to different periods in the story.”

Thanks to Jose Felipe Riveros Navarro that has sent to us even more images from the debug rooms, we can see a “Pow Block” unused in the final game, another debug room with some strange wooden platform, an hidden star-piece in the Forest debug room and the Koopa Tropas queue!

Hackers also managed to find two enemy names that went unused, D. Paratroopa and Albino Dino. D. Paratroopas moved to the game’s sequel, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and while Albino Dinos did appear in one room of Paper Mario, you never actually fight them. Even more weird, Goombario even has Tattles for these unused enemies:

Dark Paratroopa
– This is a D. Paratroopa.
D. Paratroopas are Para-
troopas who live in the
Toad Town Tunnels.

Max HP: 8, Attack Power: 3,
Defense Power: 2

Hammer attacks won’t work
because they’re airborne.

They’ll lose their wings if
you jump on ’em.

They’ll become Dark Koopas
when they fall, but be careful!
They’ll do a dizzy attack
once they’re grounded.

Albino Dino
– This is an Albino Dino.

Albino Dinos are the guards
of this frosty place.

Max HP: 8, Attack Power: 4,
Defense Power: 4

Fire attacks won’t work.

Their defense power is huge,
so let’s reduce their HP
steadily using our strongest
damage-dealing attacks.

Goomther managed to find their battle data using a battle modifier code, and the enemies seem to be fully functional! Check the video below to see them.



[Update] A couple of new intros

Pokèmon Snap [N64 – Beta]: Various beta images of Pokèmon Snap show a bar in the bottom right corner where you can select Pokè Flute, Apple, and some bomb thing. Also unseen in the same images are shots of a desert area not released on the final game. There’s also some screens from the forest and swamp, showing some pretty big changes. Ekans, the snake Pokèmon was also in the beta version, but not in the final. Why Ekans was cut is unknown.

Sonic [DS – Tech Demo]: The core gameplay of Sonic DS was to rub the bar on the touch screen as fast as possible. The fast you rub, the fast Sonic goes. There also seems to be some sort of obstacle jumping element. In the end, the whole idea was scrapped for the 2D platformer, Sonic Rush. Playable characters in Sonic DS included Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Shadow, and Blaze.

Out of the Deathmount [VB – Cancelled]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in this page and your name in the contributors list. Thanks a lot for your help! :)

ITA: Questa pagina dell’archivio non ha ancora una descrizione. Se vuoi aggiungere delle informazioni riguardo le differenze della beta o la descrizione di un gioco cancellato, lasciaci un commento o mandaci una email! Inseriremo le tue informazioni nella pagina ed il tuo nome nella lista dei collaboratori. Grazie per il tuo aiuto! :)
