New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Geist [GC – Beta]


Work on Geist (early working title: Fear, changed to avoid legal issues with F.E.A.R., an unrelated video game) officially started in 2002. N-Space learned that Nintendo was interested in backing a first-person shooter/action game with a unique feel to it. N-Space came up with the idea of a game with an invisible man as the protagonist. From there, the concept changed from being an invisible person to being a ghost.

After about eight months of work, n-Space finished the prototype and sent it to Nintendo of America, from which it was sent to NCL. Nintendo latched onto the game, and it was decided n-Space and Nintendo would work closely together on development.

After six months of work, Shigeru Miyamoto suggested the idea of object possession as a game mechanic. Geist was first shown to the public at the E3 2003 and it was later stated that Geist would even be released in that same year. In the months after the E3, both companies realized they “weren’t working on the same game”; N-Space had envisioned Geist to be a first-person shooter while Nintendo (more specifically, Kensuke Tanabe) considered it to be a first-person action-adventure. Geist was present at both E3 2004 and E3 2005 – the separate visions each team had for the game led to many delays until it was finally released in 2005, two years after the initially stated release date.

A lot of gameplay mechanics had changed during development in these two years. From the E3 2003 demo of Geist, it can be concluded that many areas have been redone and placed in a different order. The story also appears to be a bit different. For instance, Bryson is not dying, but simply locked up when you meet him. In an early screenshot we can see a monster that isn’t in the released game. As for gameplay, much more has changed. In the demo, Raimi does not have the violet tinge to his vision when he is not possessing anything, nor does the physical world gets slower. Dispossessed hosts in the demo are unconscious, while in the game they are awake. In the finald game, Raimi looks roughly like an ethereal version of his physical appearance, but in the E3 demo, he’s a far more traditional ghost with a skeletal appearance and no legs.

Also, in the released game, Raimi does not fight other ghosts until the final levels, while they appear to be common enemies in the demo. Two abilities ghost-Raimi possesses in the demo were heavily adjusted. In the demo, Raimi can shoot ethereal blasts in this realm, while he can only do so in the ethereal realm in the released game. The ability to influence objects from a distance through psychokinesis was removed and replaced with the ability to influence objects through possession. [Info from Wikipedia]

There were at least two different HUDs in the beta version.

Thanks to Jay for the english corrections!



Warhawk [PS3 – Tech Demo/Beta]


Warhawk was first announced to the public in May 2005, with a working build shown at E3 in 2006. This version was the first PlayStation 3 title to be shown with the newly announced SIXAXIS motion sensing technology. In February 2007 it was announced that the single player element of the game was to be pulled. This was due to concerns Incognito had over the quality of the single-player campaign, particularly when compared to the multi-player modes. Dylan Jobe, the games director said “if we were to continue down our single-player/multiplayer approach, it would have resulted in not as good single player or not as good multiplayer”. The extra development of the multiplayer mode was used to Read more

Donkey Kong Country 2 for the Virtual Boy?

With the success of Donkey Kong Country, Nintendo gave Rare the thumbs up for a sequel on the Virtual Boy. This happened just after the launch of the VB and was only at the drawing boards and in developement for a matter of weeks but it was cancelled due to the obvious failure of the Virtual boy itself. At the end of 1995, a sequel of the original game was released as “Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest” on the SNES.


Worms for the Virtual Boy?

In 1995, British developer Team17 got to work on a version of the game ‘Worms’ for the Virtual Boy. Little is known about the game other than it was a planned remake of “Worms” with no known differences over the original. The game was cancelled after only few weeks of it in production, probably due to the cancellation of the Virtual Boy release in Europe. There are no screens from the Virtual Boy version and it’s unknow if there even was a playable build.


Assassin’s Creed [Beta – Xbox 360 / PS3]

The first Assassin’s Creed was meant to be a new game in the Prince of Persia series, titled “Prince of Persia: Assassins“. The project was later changed for some reasons, but we can see a trailer of the beta / prototype “Prince of Persia: Assassin’s Creed” below.

Also, a target-render video from 2004:

Thanks a lot to trainer15side for the contribution!

Looking through the Assassin’s Creed beta videos and screens, i found out some differences. Here is what i have noticed:


1. They go into a first person view that does not put you into,”eagle vision” or what they call intuition in the video. The eagle vision has also had some changes in detecting targets. In the final people are kinda,”color coded”.

2. Weird interface icon appears at 3:25 and 4:14.

3. What she calls,” the key moment of assassination” is different, and quicker. In the final once you’ve assassinated someone you go into a scene and the one you assassinated speaks to Altair. I think the beta is cooler personally.

4. The very end it shows the Animus main screen, which is very much different from the final screen.

5. The entrance to the town,”Acre” is much different, and more vast.

There is also a video shown at e3 06 I believe that shows the crossbow cut from the game. Though, the video is in the final game, unchanged. Here are some screenshots of that:



A closer image of where he keeps his arrows for the crossbow, which is replaced for a throwing knife holder in the final.


His short blade is in the front of his clothing, rather than his back like in the final. The crossbow rests on his back instead.

In others beta-screens we can see better the different entrance to the city of Acre and the old HUD. In the beta Animus Interface, the woman in the backround is probably Lucy Stillman, but she appears to be different looking. In the beta picture she looks to be a brunette, in the final she is blonde. It’s hard to say because she is hard to see though.

This area is not in the final game:

Thanks to Eaglevision for the contribution!
