New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Silent Hill: Homecoming [Beta – Xbox 360 / PS3]

Silent Hill: Homecoming is the sixth installment in the Silent Hill survival horror video game series, developed by Double Helix Games (AKA Foundation 9 studio + The Collective + Shiny Entertainment). From the pre-released screenshots, we can already see some beta differences between the “final” version and an old “beta” version, like different hair color for the protagonist and a “better” graphic. If you played the final game and notice some more beta differences in the early screens and videos, please let us know! Thanks to Brad for the contribution Read more

Super Smash Bros Brawl: Beta Fighters

ENG: Through hacking Super Smash Bros Brawl, you can find some unused character-files. These could be either fighters or just models for other fighters. In the files you could find Mewtwo, Roy, Toon Zelda (which could turn into Tetra.) Dr. Mario, Dixie Kong and Pra & Mai (which many believe to be Plusle & Minun, two Pokemon from the third generation). Plusle & Minun are believed to have worked the same way as the Ice Climbers.

Sve: Genom att hacka Super Smash Bros Brawl, så kan du hitta några oanvända filer med karaktärer i dem. Dessa kunde vara riktiga karaktärer eller just modeller för andra karaktärer. I filerna kan man hitta Mewtwo, Roy, Toon Zelda (som kunde förvandlas till Toon Sheik, och likadant som Baby Daisy i Mario Kart Wii, hade aldrig varit i ett spel förut), Dr. Mario, Dixie Kong och Pra & Mai (som spekuleras ha varit Plusle & Minun, som är två Pokemons från tredje generationen). Plusle & Minun skulle ha funkat som Ice Climbers tror man.

ALSO!! it should be noted that in the beta version (as seen in certain files) brawl chars originally took battle damage, like swords breaking and clothes being torn, etc. etc.

Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire: more beta infos

If you search in the codes of Ruby & Sapphire, you can find music from Generation 2 (Gold, Silver, Crystal). Known pieces include:

  • BGM from Route 38 & 39
  • BGM from Pokemon Communication Center
  • BGM from Generation 2 Saffron City
  • BGM from Crystal’s legendary beasts battles
  • Team Rocket’s Theme

Is unknown why these music tracks were put in it. Maybe it was for being able to go to Johto or even Kanto, or just stand-ins.

There was also two beta Pokemons: Shellos & Gastrodon. If you’ve played Pokemon Diamond/Pearl you sure know which these are, and they were actually going to be included in Ruby & Sapphire. Shellos & Gastrodon though were not supposed to look like they did in Diamond/Pearl. This how they were going to look like:


Shellos‘s beta back sprite


Gastrodon‘s beta back sprite

For more infos: Bulbapedia

RS Links: Unreleased Sequel to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


Another one of those interesting links that Robert Seddon has brought to our attention, is a page with lots of informations about an unreleased Sequel to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. On Wikipedia we can read that “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is an interactive fiction computer game based on the seminal comic science fiction series of the same name. It was designed by series creator Douglas Adams and Infocom’s Steve Meretzky, and was first released in 1984 for the Apple II, Macintosh, Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST and the IBM PC. It is Infocom’s fourteenth game. A proposed sequel, Milliways: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, which was to continue from the ending of the original, had problems from the start in 1985, until it was cancelled in 1989. This was due primarily down to the facts that there was ‘no solid game design, nobody to program it, and the backdrop of Infocom’s larger economic problems.” In april 2008  someone at has found an “Infocom Drive – a complete backup of Infocom’s shared network drive from 1989″ and in that treasure chest he has found “never-before-seen design documents, internal emails, and two playable prototypes of Milliways: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.”

Now, if you have time, you can go in here and read all about this unreleased text game! Thanks again to Robert for the link :)